Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Vaculatestar »

Motion to vote.
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by James »

|-Deshret Councilor-|-Member of the Priesthood of Horus-|

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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Ike »

"Regarding couping, whatever crappy track records I may have on other matters, I have never supported a coup against a Feeder or Sinker. I have opposed every coup that has been perpetrated against a Feeder or Sinker during my time in NationStates, including the NPO coup against Lazarus. There's no reason to believe I would coup and every reason to believe I wouldn't, but I know I won't convince anyone who is predisposed to thinking I'm bad news, so that's all I have to say on the matter."
- Cormac
Treize Dreizehn
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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Vaculatestar »

Sorry, this will go up after the vote on Tims' deshret application is over. I PROMISE! <img alt=":D" src=""/>
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
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Treize Dreizehn
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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

You can do three at a time. Especially given the new rule on activity.
Victor Siege
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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Victor Siege »

Can I still vote?<br/><br/>Aye.
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Repeal of the Declaration of War Against the People's Republic of Lazarus

Post by Vaculatestar »

This is not the voting thread. That thread is locked as the voting ended some time ago.
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
Kingdom of Great Britain- Prince Royal, Lord of Parliament, First Lord of the Admiralty
The Kingdom of Kvatch- King
Den- Corporal
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