The Sekhmet Legion is facing a problem which it has been facing for some time; numbers. Recruitment therefore is the obvious thing we need to do in order to get more Legionnaires. But recruiting isn't just TGing nations about joining, its about broadcasting our military activity and accomplishments, however, small, for that in itself is recruitment as we are bringing needed attention to the Sekhmet. We have not been broadcasting what the Sekhmet has done, is doing, and could be doing if newer people joined. And how we broadcast it is literally at our choosing. From the Oracle, to region-wide Telegrams and dispatches, we need to get the Sekhmet out there.
There are 146 nations endorsing Tim. That is 146 votes in the World Assembly. We are in a key position to influence how WA nations vote. A region-wide TG can go a long way in convincing most, if not all, to vote a certain way on GA and SC proposals and for those who aren't members, we can use the opportunity to urge them to join their Osiran nation to the WA or join the forums. Let us capitalise on everything we can, wherever we can.
One of the things that i've learnt from being a recruiter, and i'm sure that we all know, is that the nation being recruited has to want to at least give it a try. To do this, the TG has to either be incredibly awesome and convincing or want to be part of it from regularly hearing about it. I think that Osiris's recruitment efforts can be greatly improved if we tell the nations on-site of what we doing here and what they could be doing here. Every proposal, every contest and every election. Promoting it as what is happening and something they could be a part of. Showing them there is a bigger more active world around them that they can be a part of and leave their mark. We can, we have done, we will again.
Another thing that i've seen is that some members have been able to make their way onto the forums, but because they have member masking, we cannot PM them and try to keep them here. So we lose more potential people. Removing this restriction could greatly help in retaining those who do end up here. But seeing as this is an aspect pertaining to the forum, that is something I will be taking up with Forum Admin.
With the decline of The Rejected Times due to Unibot's departure, there is a vacuum that has yet to be filled. Some regions have and are trying to take that spot. Despite our limitations, we can damn well try to fill that vacuum with some good Osiran journalism In that, we are taking those steps of outreach and getting a bigger voice.
It is a pleasure, an honour, and will be a learning experience to run in this election and hopeful serve you as Pharaoh. So without further adieu ....