When it came for me to plot Alexandria's timelines I struggled to think of a timeline that could work. When TEC of Alexandria was first devised as my seat of power within Osiris, all the way back in 2013 due to my position as Vizier of Foreign Affairs, I used to visualise it using artwork from
Final Fantasy IX's city by the same name, known as the Kingdom of Alexandria.
When searching for inspiration to explain the pattern of events since The Enlightened City of Alexandria seceded from Osiris in May 2014 (an allusion to my own departure from Osiris) and the subsequent realisation of my desire to build a community which was safe from the strife of the KRO and early OFO, I came upon the
Timeline of Final Fantasy IX. I used it as a rough guide for much of the last two years, but it wasn't until I discovered at the start of this month that Final Fantasy IX is being remastered for a
release on Steam sometime this year that really inspired my mind to go back to these long forgotten disjointed thoughts on Alexandria's timeline.
With the first locale of Final Fantasy IX's world (Gaia) that you visit in game being Alexandria, and being the year that the game is set in as 1800, I decided to use that as my base for my city/city-state/kingdom of the same name. From there, I carved a chunk of time prior to this which could be used to describe the Pre-Kemetic Republic, Kemetic Republic, Post-Kemetic Republic and the Fraternal Age, all while linking events from the Fraternal Age to events in Alexandria.
Currently, Osiris is, by my count, in the year 1822/1823, following Tim's election. It has been 33 years since the Osiris Fraternal Order was founded. Below are a table of dates that I've come up with, to try and explain certain events and how they've pertained to the rules of various Pharaohs, although for the most part, they are focused mainly on Alexandria's life past 1800.
[b]Year[/b][c][b]Osiris[/b][c][b]Alexandria[/b][c][b]Extra/Notes[/b][c]c.1773[c]Reign of Zaolat, the First Pharaoh of Osiris. The Pre-Constitutional Age.[c]/[c]This is a period known as pre-Kemetic Republic and covers everything from TITOs hold of the region to the first elected Pharaoh.[c]1774[c]The Election of Dalimbar as the first Constitutional Pharaoh of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris.[c]/[c]The First "Constitutional" Pharaoh, elected after the Book of the Dead was ratified.[c]1775[c]The disappearance of Dalimbar plunges the fledgling republic into anarchy. Lord Oliver Marlowe is called as Kai-Repat (Vice Delegate) to take office as Acting Pharaoh.[c]/[c]Dalimbar disappeared incredibly early in his term. I believe it was February 2012 if I remember it correctly.[c]1777[c]The election of Lyanna Stark.[c]Alexandria becomes home to the Executive Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture.[c]As third Pharaoh of the Kemetic Republic of Osiris, Lyanna Stark brings House Stark to prominence within Osiran society.[c]1780[c]Lyanna Stark, increasingly embattled within her capital city following a war with House Rahl abdicates in favour of her Kai-Repat, George Holland-Stark. [c]Joshua Ravenclaw is appointed as Viceory (Deputy) of Foreign Affairs.[c]Tim Stark is appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1780 until 1781.[c]1781[c]Joshua Ravenclaw is appointed as Vizier of Foreign Affairs under George Holland-Stark, a role he would retain until 1786.[c]Alexandria becomes a central location for foreign diplomats.[c]Relations with The North Pacific strengthen considerably around this time.[c]1782[c]The Council of Ma'at Revolts, and overthrows the Pharaoh; aided by outside forces.[c]The Temple of Anubis is badly damaged during fighting between Alexandrian Soldiers and Gatesville infiltrators during the first siege of The Enlightened City.[c]December 2012 saw the first visible appearance of Civil War in Osiris, turning the cold war hot.[c]1783[c]The Sepatarchy removes much of the Council of Ma'at's Power following the Revolt.[c]Unrest in Alexandria rises following tension in Thebes, then capital of Osiris between Conservative Viziers and Joshua Ravenclaw. [c]This is of course, the major reforms that changed Osiran security and society.[c]1785[c]Treaty Ally, The South Pacific, suffers a Coup d'état. Osiris mobilises for War.
Gatesville's Queen crosses weapons with Osiris' Consort leading to increased hostility in the Headquarters of the Sovereign Confederation.[c]Conflict arises between former Gatesville Member (now Sobek) Kostemetsia and Vizier of Foreign Affairs Joshua Ravenclaw following the Former's attempt to control Osiran Foreign Affairs over the South Pacifican Coup d'état.[c]This leads to Osiris suffering increased internal strife due to Gatesville's close relationship with certain figures in Osiris.[c]1786[c]Embittered Pharaoh George Holland abdicates, in favour of his Kai-Repat, Treize Dreizehn.[c]The Temple of Anubis is finally rebuilt as trade resumes between Northern Osiris and the rest of the world.[c]/[c]1786 (again)[c]Treize Dreizehn, with support from Gatesville leads a Coup d'état against the Kemetic Republic of Osiris following the election of Cormac Stark and Astarial as Pharaoh and Kai-Repat respectively.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw by this time a member of the Council of Ma'at is injured in the fighting as Alexandria is all but eradicated following fighting. He faces suspicion as the Kai-Repat of Treize Dreizehn and thus is Alexandria ransacked several times by the other houses.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw is dismissed as Vizier of Foreign Affairs and replaced with Dalimbar.[c]1787[c]Osiris is in allied hands again following support from the United Imperial Armed Forces and various treaty allies. The Civil War is less visible, but the Government is more paranoid. Cormac abdicates as Pharaoh following a tragedy.[c]Alexandria slowly rebuilds, and Joshua Ravenclaw takes over Alexandria Castle; House Ravenclaw is officially recorded in Alexandrian and Osiran annals at this time.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw returns to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the sole active Diplomat at this time. Dalimbar and his deputies have vanished.[c]1787 (again)[c]The Vizier of Communication leaks from the Pharaoh's Palace, now located in Memphis.
Acting Pharaoh Astarial calls for a vote of officials on dissolving the Kemetic Republic of Osiris. It passes.[c]The leaks from Alexandria Castle accuse Joshua Ravenclaw of planning a Coup d'état, but in reality reveal his plans for a future election (1788).[c]The end of the Kemetic Era was heralded by the mass-repeal of many treaties by allied states. It brought the second cold war in the civil war to ahead a little while after.[c]1787/1788[c]The End of the Kemetic Republic[c]House Ravenclaw solidifies power in Alexandria.[c]Foreign Affairs is divided into two halves - diplomacy and relations.
The interregnum period between the end of the Kemetic Republic in September 2013 and the founding of the Osiris Fraternal Order in December of that year is known by many names, including the Osiran Reformation but there has not been any one name given to it that is universally used.
Given that the period was little less than four months, September-November and early parts of December, it will only cover a brief time, c. 3 years in the timeline.
[b]Year[/b][c][b]Osiris[/b][c][b]Alexandria[/b][c][b]Extra/Notes[/b][c]1788[c]Astarial, formerly Kai-Repat is crowned Empress Astarial I. She forms and Imperial Council made up of many of the former officials of the Kemetic Republic, including three Former Pharaohs: Dalimbar, George and Cormac.[c]House Ravenclaw begins rebuilding fortifications.[c]Conflict starts again when Astarial appoints a completely unknown person as Grand Vizier, their second in command.[c]1789[c]The Hedjet, now the Security Council rebel against the Empress following a convoluted period of disagreement. [c]The fortifications of Melda Arch are built facing the Southern Hinterlands.[c]To this day I'm not sure what caused all of us to raise the Empire flag.[c]1790[c]Astarial chooses Venico as her new Grand-Vizier and abdicates in his favour.
Venico chooses Cormac Stark as Grand Hedjeti.
Dalimbar becomes elected as Grand Deshreti of the new legislature.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw is appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy-Grand Hedjeti. Alexandria finishes the fortification of Alexandria Castle.[c]The end of the interregnum period comes quickly, and unexpectedly.
The 12th of December 1790 saw foreign troops annex every major city in the Kingdom.
Now things become easier to recall for me and they tend to require less research for the time as I remember it well. We are now up to the year 1790 - December 2013.
[b]Year[/b][c][b]Osiris[/b][c][b]Alexandria[/b][c][b]Extra/Notes[/b][c]1791[c]Venico and Koth declare the Osiris Fraternal Order. They are supported by various military forces from foreign powers and former Pharaoh Cormac Stark.[c]House Ravenclaw signs an agreement to recognise the Osiris Fraternal Order and are allowed to keep their lands... more importantly, Joshua Ravenclaw keeps his head.[c]Diamete Ravenclaw chooses to retire to The Pacifics rather than recognise the government.[c]1792[c]Joshua Ravenclaw is elected as Pharaoh of Osiris; the tenth since its founding and the first elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order following the passage of a new State Code. Osiris returns to Democracy.[c]House Ravenclaw is elevated to the nobility, and becomes the Royal House for the duration of Joshua's reign.[c]Venico and Ambroscus Koth are made nobles of Giza (House Bright-Axe) and Kadesh respectively. Cormac is made Nomarch of Karnak. Abacathea North is made Nomarch of Abydos; Severisen Isaraider is made Nomarch of Terenuthis.[c]1793[c]Osiris receives recognition of its new Government and Pharaoh from many former treaty allies and diplomatic partners.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw begins cultivating ties with The East Pacific, through one of his protege's, Bachtendekuppen.[c]Osiris begins proceedings to resume diplomatic relations with the Pacific States.[c]1795[c]Severisen Isaraider ascends the throne following the abdication of Joshua Ravenclaw.[c]Tensions begin to rise between House Ravenclaw and the Houses of Giza and Karnak. Skirmishes break out in the Hinterlands at their various outposts.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw solidifies relations between House Ravenclaw and The East Pacific.[c]1798[c]Severisen's Reign Ends in favour of Cormac Somerset (Stark).[c]"Enemy At The Gates" where Alexandria is besieged by three other houses and occupied following the destruction of Melda Arch by Imperial Forces.[c]Joshua Ravenclaw is exiled from Osiris and imprisoned in Alexandria Castle in 1798.[c]1799[c]Cormac's reign starts peacefully.[c]Alexandria secedes from Osiris, taking the territories of House North.
This starts the First War of Secession. It lasts until 1802. It fails to bring Alexandria back under Memphis control.[c][spoiler=Map of the Kingdom of Osiris][img]http://i.imgur.com/FYLFxo2.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alexandrian Storyline:][b]Alexandrian Storyline:[/b]
The Independence/Secession Storyline, from the ruins of the Enlightened City. This would be focused entirely in the Alexandria with some scenes in the other regional capitals - Terenuthis, Abydos. This is the first war storyline that takes place in Cormac's reign.[/spoiler][c]1802[c]Cormac abdicates following the War against Lazarus and the failed attempt to charge Joshua Ravenclaw with sedition following protests from the Deshret.[c]House Ravenclaw reaffirms its desire of independence, but Joshua Ravenclaw travels to Memphis to address the Deshret.[c]/[c]1803[c]Joshua Bluteisen-Ravenclaw; the nephew of former Pharaoh Joshua Ravenclaw is elected Pharaoh.[c]Peace is made between Alexandria and Osiris's new Pharaoh, Joshua Bluteisen-Ravenclaw who recognises Alexandrian independence.[c]Official communication is opened between Memphis and Alexandria for the first time since the War of Secession.[c]1804-6[c]/[c]Alexandria unifies as a central state ruled from The Enlightened City of Alexandria[c][spoiler=First Designed Map of Alexandria][img]http://i.imgur.com/kbRoMpx.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alexandrian Storyline][b]Alexandria Storyline:[/b]The Unification Storyline, where the cities of North and Western Osiris join Alexandria - House Isaraider becomes Montresor, House North is destroyed in the final battle of the First War of Secession. This will take place in three locales: Terenuthis, Abydos and Melda Arch, Alexandria's fallen border fortress. This takes place in the reign of Joshua Bluteisen-Ravenclaw.[/spoiler][c]1807-10[c]Joshua Bluteisen is replaced as Pharaoh by Ambroscus Koth.[c]The Second War of Secession with Osiris begins, the Borders hold against repeated aggression courtesy of reinforcements from The East and South Pacifics. The Anubis Gate holds against repeated attacks, courtesy of enchantments provided by Albion's College of Silverpine, and Abydos' College of Enchanters.[c][spoiler=The Final Map of Early Alexandria][img]http://i.imgur.com/CNEfPbP.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Alexandrian Storyline][b]Alexandria Storyline:[/b] Second War of Secession; the Battle of Terenuthis; the rise of House Holland - Mad Jack's Return? Assassin's in Alexandria, the end of the Ekklesia and a shift to a feudal House System.[/spoiler][c]1811-17[c]Tim Stark comes to the throne of Osiris after being involved with the Kingdom since 1780. He goes onto rule for six years.[c]Formal relations are opened between Osiris and Alexandria, with diplomats being welcomed to the Enlightened City and Memphis respectively. Tim Stark is invited to join the Council of Abydos.[c]Relations between the two Kingdoms normalise, and there is no longer any strife between their governing figures. Severisen Isaraider, now Lord Montresor is named as Prince-Palatine of Terenuthis, and the second most powerful noble in the Kingdom of Alexandria.
[spoiler=Alexandrian Storyline:][b]Alexandrian Storyline:[/b] Peace conference in Silverpine between Alexandria and Osiris in 1816.[/spoiler][c]1812[c]Tim hasn't couped yet. Spectators are shocked.[c]Alexandria convenes a Conclave in the Town of Oakvale to discuss bandits and raiders on the main trading roads.[c][The Sanctum RP Storyline, Alexandria]
[c]1818[c]Festavo Montresor-Stark is elected Pharaoh; as the son of Tim Stark. [c]Alexandria settles into peacetime with frightening ease. House Astor begins its rise to power in the North of Alexandria.[c]/[c]1822 (Present Day)[c]Tim Stark is re-elected for a third term.[c]/[c]/
Finally, one last table to cover things that didn't fit into the other ones. This is more related to the ages of members of House Ravenclaw, but can provide a generally good place to judge the ages of others using a similar scale.
[b]Year[/b][c][b]Person[/b][c][b]Family[/b][c][b]Location[/b][c][b]Notes[/b][c]1756[c]Joshua is born to Diamete and Lanna Ravenclaw.
Hyacinth (McMasterdonia) Somerset is born.[c]Ravenclaw, Diamete-Ravenclaw.
Somerset[c]A Ravenclaw Family outpost in former Nasicournia owned by Lanna Ravenclaw.
Magicality City, The North Pacific[c]Following Lanna's disappearance, Diamete took his young family home to the lands that became Osiris in 1761.
Born to Wilhelm and Rachel Somerset who were touring The North Pacific at the time. [c]1758[c]Denrick Ravenclaw is born.[c]Ravenclaw[c]A Ravenclaw Family outpost in former Nasicournia owned by Lanna Ravenclaw.[c]Denrick immigrates to The South Pacific.[c]1759[c]Neavilos Ravenclaw is born.[c]Ravenclaw[c]A Ravenclaw Family outpost in former Nasicournia owned by Lanna Ravenclaw.[c]Neavilos dies in 1787 during the Civil War.[c]1775[c]Joshua Ravenclaw and Hyacinth Somerset marry in Equilism when at University together.[c]Hyacinth chooses to retain Somerset and hyphenate with Ravenclaw.[c]The Commonwealth of Equilism, Chaucerin City.[c]/[c]1776[c]James T. Ravenclaw is born.[c]/[c]The Port-City of Alexandria[c]Aka Kialga.[c]1777[c]Joshua Bluteisen-Ravenclaw is born.[c]Ravenclaw-Bluteisen[c]The South Pacific[c]Joshua's younger sister, Domina Ravenclaw marries Ikand Bluteisen in 1778. Ikand dies in the War against Gatesville in 1786.[c]1778[c]Kyle W. Ravenclaw is born.[c]/[c]The South Pacific[c]While on a diplomatic tour, aka Brutland and Norden.[c]1779[c]Patrick J. Ravenclaw is born.[c]/[c]The North Pacific[c]For safety following tensions in Osiris, Hyacinth travelled home to The North Pacific for their unborn son's safety. AKA Plembobria.[c]1808[c]James marries.[c]/[c]Coronpolis, Alexandria[c]James marries a Diplomat from The North Pacific.[c]1813[c]Benjamin C. Ravenclaw is born.[c]/[c]The Enlightened City of Alexandria[c]The first grandchild of Joshua Ravenclaw.[c]1815[c]Lyssa R. Ravenclaw is born.[c]/[c]The Arcane City of Abydos, Alexandria.[c]The second grandchild of Joshua Ravenclaw.