Intriguing Idea but it suffers from A bit of bad writing. It's written as if the whole WA is on the same world which it clearly isn't.GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION AT VOTE
Researching Unique Ecosystems
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.
Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Caracasus
Description: Encouraged by the ongoing efforts of the international community to invest in biological research,
Impressed by some of the potential technologies and cures that have developed from this research, but
Concerned by the rate at which unique ecosystems are disappearing, either to man-made activity or to natural changes in climate,
This august World Assembly hereby enacts the following, subject to any limits imposed by earlier resolutions that are still in force:
Defines for the purposes of this resolution:
'unique ecosystem' as any area which is reasonably likely to contain flora and fauna that are unique to the larger ecosystem,
'man made activity' as action or continued inaction taken by sentient beings that endangers the biodiversity of a unique ecosystem, up to and including mining, logging, construction or introduction of invasive species, but not counting acts of war,
'natural changes in climate' as any foreseeable, long term natural event or change that endangers the biodiversity of a unique ecosystem, such as long term drought, rise in sea levels or global cooling;
Requires nations where man-made activity may be reasonably expected to seriously compromise a unique ecosystem to make reasonable expeditions, within their abilities, into the unique ecosystem to take stock of and collect samples of unique flora and fauna within the region;
Requires nations with ongoing natural changes in climate that threaten to seriously compromise unique ecosystems to make reasonable expeditions, within their abilities, into the unique ecosystem to take stock of and collect samples of unique flora and fauna within the region.
Expands the duties of the World Assembly Science Program (WASP) to include:
Monitoring global climate changes to identify unique ecosystems under threat, and to notify nations of said threat to their unique ecosystems,
Storing and providing access to raw data from nations who have shared with the WASP,
Raising and providing funds and scientific support for nations who do not have the capacity to conduct a reasonable scientific expedition;
Encourages nations to share raw data from above expeditions with the World Assembly Science Program (WASP)