The application is made pursuant to clause 7.3(a) of the State Code of Osiris, which reads:
Under this clause, and the subsection preceding it, the power of the Pschent to review administrative and moderation action is limited. The matter for review is solely whether the deletion of the thread was necessary for the enforcement of the Terms of Service, the Terms of Use, or the security of the forum. This review is not concerned with the legality of the thread in question.(a) Administrative and moderation action may be reviewed by the Pschent, by petition of any citizen or on its own initiative, exclusively to determine whether the action taken was necessary for enforcement of the Zetaboards Terms of Service, Terms of Use, and/or forum security.
The applicant, Councillor Lord Ravenclaw, and the Scribe of Seshat, Scribe Tim Stark, or a deputy nominated by him may make submissions as a matter of course. Additionally, I appoint Scribe Ainocra, an administrator of this forum, who's thread was deleted and who is alleged to be responsible for its deletion, as amicus curiae.
While this thread shall remain open, it shall be open to allow for the announcement of the appointments two Elders ad hoc by the Pharaoh and the agreement to such appointments by myself and by the Keeper of the Deshret, and therefore submissions ought not be made yet, as the full membership of the Court has not been determined.