April 8th, 2015
Hi folks!
Term two, that's exciting. We haven't had a Pharaoh in the OFO that's gone for more than one term in... I'm not sure how long. It might have actually never happened before. So, that's pretty great! To be honest, I'm incredibly honored that people thought I did well enough that I ended up winning the race without a contested election, which I hope actually means that people like my term and not that they're planning illegal coups instead. I think we've had a good three months so far, with a lot of progress, and I hope to see us working forward to even more progress within the region.
So far, I'd say our Foreign Affairs are solid, with little controversy in anything we've done. The goals I set up before there have all been achieved, and hopefully we can now simply take up a progressive agenda of establishing relations with regions that we think would be beneficial for us to have relations with. We are, after all, a GCR, and I've got no issue with working to make our clout as a GCR much more present within the World scene. Beyond that, there's not much more I've got planned Foreign Affairs related, but am open to new things when they come along, whether that be treaties, new friends, or whatever else there may be.
Furthermore, it's definitely fair to say that we're stable now. In fact, we're at the worst, the 3rd most dramatic GCR now, what with all the mess within The South Pacific and Lazarus making everyone forget we exist. For once, I'm okay with people forgetting we exist, because it means that Osiris is going through a great period right now, in my mind. Activity seems good, the Sekhmet Legion is slowly rebuilding, RMB activity is solid, and my endorsement count will hopefully eventually break 160 (if people would stop CTE'ing).
Finally, Jakker wanted to know: "Could you share more about your ideas for culture? "
Honestly, I'm garbage at culture. My ideas involve yelling at our friends to do festivals with us, continuing to do fun polls on the regionpage, and maybe see if we want to start a Steam Group or something. If there's anyone that wants to seriously get involved in Culture within Osiris, that might be a bit more capable than me, I'd actually love that. Yes, Jakker, this was a crap answer, I know. But hey, at least I'm not lying out of my ass.
Now, without further adieu, here is your Hedjet. As you can see, yet again, we've got a few vacancies that I intend to fill as soon as I can, so.. Culture. None of the replaced positions were due to inactivity, and all were by request of the individuals holding those positions. I'd like to thank them for their service as it was greatly appreciated. As a note, I still do not intend to have a dedicated Foreign Affairs Scribe as I believe it's more effective to delegate that as needed
- Ainocra: Vizier
- Severisen: Scribe of Security
- Festavo: Scribe of War
- Andrew: Scribe of Media
- Ainocra: Scribe of World Assembly Affairs
- Seker: Scribe of Justice
To Even More Progress,
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order