In a stately but austere mansion in the capital city of Equilism, Blaine Zeorus Montresor sat in a study going over financial reports from his Osiran trading assets. Although House Montresor lived in relative comfort, their decline in Equilist politics had damaged their business capacity such that they required additional business abroad to maintain their lifestyle. House Vesica and House Westwind grew tired of the rumors of dark magic and demonic ritual murder - as such, they had effectively pushed Montresor into retirement and stripped his house of any political power they had left.
The reports, as had become usual in recent years, were grim. Yet another ship lost in Osiran waters to pirates. Montresor sighed and rose from the desk, walking over to a lectern upon which rested a thick, dusty tome. The cover read, in an ancient, forgotten tongue - The Dark and Forbidden Secrets of Dûn. He opened the book to a previously marked page and quietly started reading aloud.
House Montresor, unlike House Vesica or House Westwind, was not native to Equilism. The Commonwealth had graciously allowed the Montresors to settle there after their native country, Dûn, had been destroyed in a monstrous war, the likes of which had never been seen before or since. The Montresors were the only surviving noble house of Dûn. As such, Montresor held the title "Lord of Dûn" in addition to other titles and honors he had earned since his flight from the homeland. Now, he was the last remaining of his generation, the last to speak the Dûnish tongue from birth. Although he appeared to be a man in his late forties, Montresor was in fact nearly in his seventies. In time his niece, Xoriet Ysabel Montresor, would take over as head of the House.
"A truly beautiful language. It's a shame that it will die with you, Blaine."
Montresor looked up from the tome as a chill ran down his spine. Only one being ever addressed him by his given name now. "What do you want?", he asked solemnly. He turned around to see a woman clad in a black robe similar to his standing by his desk.
"I think you know quite well, Lord of Dûn.", the woman said, walking toward him with a serpentine smile. "I'm here to collect my payment."
Death came to Montresor regularly to collect the blood payment he owed as part of the arrangement they had made nearly thirty years ago. The Reaper of Souls had appeared to him in many forms, both male and female. Its visits were disturbingly more often as of late, however.
"I still have three days left. One person killed every fortnight, that was the deal." Montresor clasped the violet and scarlet medallion he wore outside his robe as he grew more and more uncomfortable with Death's presence.
"I know....but you've been cutting it close lately, Montresor.", the spectre whispered in his ear. "I'm starting to worry that you might be taking our arrangement too lightly."
"You shall have what is owed you. Everyone is growing suspicious here - it's not as easy to grab someone off the street as it used to be."
"I certainly hope so.", the spectre replied. "A bright mind like yours certainly doesn't belong in hell." Montresor's heart started to return to a normal pace as Death slowly faded from his vision.
Montresor retired to a chair near a fireplace on the wall opposite the desk and lectern in his study. As he stared into the flames, he began to consider his situation. He had become complacent after the success his contract with Death had granted him. Immortality, even with conditions, could do wonderful things, but it also made one soft. He was not as cold or ruthless as he had been while climbing the Equilist political ladder as a young man. He had too many worries now - the well-being of his nieces, the safety of his wealth, and especially keeping his sorcery hidden.
After a few more minutes of contemplation, Montresor stood as he realized the only clear choice. House Montresor could no longer reside in Equilism. He walked to the chambers of his heir, Xoriet. "Begin preparations at once. You are to deploy to Osiris at dawn."
The Brother of Death
Moderator: Pharaoh
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