House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »

[center][img][/img][/center] [c][center][font=Century Gothic][big][big][b]THE ANCIENT AND KNOWLEDGEABLE HOUSE OF RAVENCLAW[/b][/big][/big] [i]Enlightened City of Alexandria[/i][/font][/center]
[center][i][big]City Post - Enemy At The Gates, part 1.[/big][/i][/center]

The City was abuzz with whispers and clandestine discussions in the local parks once the news hit, and no one noticed that several of the Magisters were seen leaving the Castle in their ceremonial getup and heading towards the Cathedral of Rosies Paws. No one noticed that the gates to the city had been closed, and that the Battlemages were on high alert, so wrapped up were they in their own amateurish whispering that by the time they noticed something had shifted in the ruling house, it was too late to stop it.

On the third day, the Council of Mages was summoned to the Castle, where Lord Ravenclaw, Arch-Magister of Alexandria greeted them in the Great Hall, his manner subdued, his face lined with the effects of unwanted stress and anxiety, it was with a weary tone and a pained walk that he led them to the Enchanters Chamber, where the council met under the leadership of the Arch-Magister, where he informed them of events that had occurred in Memphis, the regional capital just over under a fortnight past.

The Magisters took it well, albeit with some shock that their Lord had willingly given up the throne as it was against everything they knew of him. During the dark ages of Osiris, their Lord had been one of the staple powers of the Government and had used his influence to bring prosperity and international recognition to the region in order to safeguard it from opportunists who had wanted to subvert the region for their own games. They listened with explosions of shock, the occasional declaration of "Impossible!" from furious Magisters, coupled with sighs of sadness from others.

They knew it then, and the Arch-Magister's words only confirmed it. House Ravenclaw's time as a noble house, a Great House, of Osiris was near its end, so the Arch-Magister predicted, citing a shifting of power and loyalties in the Noble houses.

The final question to the Arch-Magister from a concerned Magister was how long he expected them to remain in control of Alexandria. The reply was expected: a simple: as long as it takes for them to take control.

The Council moved onto planning the direction of Alexandria over the coming months, from trade links to military preparation in order to resist an invasion from land or sea. Messengers were dispatched from the Castle to allies across the Northern seas to recall Alexandrian forces from campaigns, as well as requesting reinforcements for the garrisons on the mainland.

The next few months will be very interesting for the City of Alexandria.
Joshua Ravenclaw
5th April 2012 -
"The Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Imperial Crown" - The Tenth Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Pharaoh of Osiris, First elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Former Advisor to the Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Spokespriest and Priest of the Council of Ma'at, Deputy Grand Hedjeti and Priest of the Hedjet and Guardian of the Atef
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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »

[center][img][/img][/center] [c][center][font=Century Gothic][big][big][b]THE ANCIENT AND KNOWLEDGEABLE HOUSE OF RAVENCLAW[/b][/big][/big] [i]Enlightened City of Alexandria[/i][/font][/center]
[center][i][big]City Post - Enemy At The Gates, part 2.[/big][/i][/center]

The tranquillity was not to last in Alexandria, despite the attempts of the Guard, Mayor and the Council, even together their efforts were futile... with the gates of the city being closed to all panic buying had started, rioting had consumed the central plaza for two days before the Arch-Magister appeared on the castle's balcony and in a display of magicka caused lightning bolts to criss-cross above the now startled residents of Alexandria. Such an unusual display of power from the isolationist mage silenced even the more cosmopoltian critics as they saw the bolts in the sky. Things would calm down, marginally on the surface but below, the Guilds and the forces charged with protecting the city were working hard.

The Battlemage scouts sighted a force of men moving in columns off the Southern Approach to the city bearing banners of the other Great Houses, Somerset, Kadesh and Giza. At its helm was the Lord Somerset himself, resplendent in the Silverite armour that he wore when Pharaoh under the Kemetic Republic. The scout leader estimated they were four days march from the borders of Alexandria but with no other towns this war across the peninsula their destination was obvious.

The Arch-Magister was stoic once the news was reported by Lord Bluteisen at the parapets of the Southern Tower of Alexandria Castle, he drew his cloak tighter to him as he stared aimlessly across the blue skies seeking some form of help from the lazily drifting clouds as they made their journey to lands untold across the sea and desert. He feared their arrival, and knew that like it or not, the next week of Alexandria would be christened in fire and blood like tales of Olde where Alexandria burned beneath a conquering force. The Romans. The Empire. Gatesville Incorporated. Empire again. Alexandria will not fall from within.

[center][img][/img][/center][c][center][i]The Council of Mages and the Battlemage Officers watching the predicted show of force arrayed against Alexandria[/i][/center]

The Arch-Magister ordered Lord Bluteisen ride south to the Melda Arch, the outpost between Memphis and Alexandria located in the desert used as a rest-stop for travellers crossing the harsh climate, bordered by the mountain range which cut made Alexandria better defended against the hordes of barbarians in the lower reaches of the region.

Melda Arch was a strongly defended location, with the paling held by Mages of the Arcane University preventing attacks by air, with the mountainous terrain preventing all but the most determined ground assaults, the main way to Alexandria would be cut off unless the Outpost fell.

[center][img][/img][/center][c][center][i]Melda Arch, Alexandria. Far side view, leading from the lower plains.[/i][/center]

The Knights of Pluto had assembled in the entrance hall of the Castle seeking instructions from the Arch-Magister as he stood on the landing above, his face grave with the knowledge of what was to come. Two by two, the Knights came forth and were instructed as to their tasks, "Contact Eagleswing/Ravenscrown/Ravensfeather/Eaglescrest to request reinforcements,"/"Prepare the evacuation of the women and children by sea to the North and East Pacifics."/"Contact the South Pacifican fleet sighted off the coast this morning for escort duties," further instructing two knights to serve as a messenger between him and the President of Europeia, for whom the regional treaty was named for his city of Alexandria to request assistance from the Republican Navy. Of the thirty assembled in the hall, sixteen had been deployed. Six more were sent to oversee the Defensive Forces enroute to Melda Arch and the final eight were assigned to help keep order over the City Guard as the House sent out a muster for all members of the Alexandrian Armed Forces to prepare for an invasion.

The die had been cast, it was now down to the cards to fall where they will.

Lady Rasanna observed as the Arch-Magister gave orders to the Knights, and as the last of the Knights went to their tasks she approached him. As he turned to towards her she posed a question, "What of House North? House Valkyrie? Surely they can provide aid to us and help us weather the blows coming from the south?" The Magister's reply was soft but sad as he informed her that House North had not replied to his missive and House Valkyrie had already fallen to the forces of House Somerset, some seven days passed, probably in the same march that saw the forces turn their gaze towards the mountains surrounding Alexandria.

"I would have you travel back home," the Arch-Magister said. "Alexandria will soon be a warzone, where we finally discover what magic the Imperials have brought to Osiris, you will be much safer across the Eastern Sea (referring to the sea that separates the Confederated East Pacific and the Northern Coastline of Osiris where Alexandria is based) and away from harm, and better poised to bring reinforcements for us from the Eastern Militaries, although I would prefer you stayed out of harms way."

That said, he turned away from his betrothed and strode towards the courtyard where the Osiran flag flew proudly, visible to everyone in the Square below, the Court flag-bearer stood at the flagpole as his duties required him. "Bring it down," he instructed the Bearer who hesitated before replying, "Sir?" unsure of what to do.

"Bring the flag down. If they want to level their arms against us, we will not be beholden to their rule. Raise the city shield! Let them know that they'll have to pay for every inch they take in this city!"

Watching the flag of the Enlightened City of Alexandria fly over Alexandria Castle and the fortifications of the city brought a smile to the face of the Arch-Magister. Whatever comes, will come. He'll be there to meet it, with as many of his Soldiers, Mages and Allies as he could, until then there was nothing he could do.

Enemy At the Gates will continue with Part 3 - The Battle of Melda Arch.
Musical influence for this piece, was "Let It Go" from Frozen.
Joshua Ravenclaw
5th April 2012 -
"The Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Imperial Crown" - The Tenth Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Pharaoh of Osiris, First elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Former Advisor to the Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Spokespriest and Priest of the Council of Ma'at, Deputy Grand Hedjeti and Priest of the Hedjet and Guardian of the Atef
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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »

-I'll be waiting a little bit to see if any of the other Noble Houses would like to post anything in their House areas adding a different side to the story for everyone to see, if not, then I'll continue my side and we'll be left wondering what was going through everyone's heads.-
Joshua Ravenclaw
5th April 2012 -
"The Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Imperial Crown" - The Tenth Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Pharaoh of Osiris, First elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Former Advisor to the Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Spokespriest and Priest of the Council of Ma'at, Deputy Grand Hedjeti and Priest of the Hedjet and Guardian of the Atef
Former Vice Delegate, Justice and Chief Justice, Former Sepatarch, Co-Spokesperson of the Sepatarchy
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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Vaculatestar »

OOC: I hope you don't mind if I contribute Raven. :P


Back in United Kingdom Major Vaculatestar Ravenclaw reads reports of trouble over in the Fraternal Order. After reading these troubling reports of his house about to be under siege he immediately calls a Defence Staff meeting. After no more than half an hour it is agreed, not only should House Ravenclaw be preserved, but Osiris does not need to suffer anymore trouble than it already has in its troubled history. So without hesitation Major Ravenclaw calls up his troops and has begins marching them towards Alexandria in order to help defend the city.
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Vaculatestar »

Snip. Apologies went to far ahead without even realizing it.
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
Kingdom of Great Britain- Prince Royal, Lord of Parliament, First Lord of the Admiralty
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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Vaculatestar »

Major Ravenclaw (or as his troops know him by his legal name in United Kingdom Major Mikaelson) paces back and forth his office on board the fleets flag ship the H.M.S Edward. He then stopped and began writing a message to General Montressor in The East Pacific.

"Greetings General,

I was hoping that you could fill me in on the tactical situation of the body of water that borders Lord Ravenclaws lands. How many ships do we have fighting on our side? How many ships do we have fighting against us? What sort of blockade is set up on Alexandria etc... Please if you could reply with haste it would be much appreciated.


Major Vaculatestar Ravenclaw
Secretary of Defence for United Kingdom
Commanding Officer of 1st Battalion

After he finishes the letter he sends it to the General via messenger spell.
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
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House Ravenclaw: Enemy at the Gates [RP Master Post]

Post by Vaculatestar »

*Vac stepped through the portal from The New Galactic Empire confident that he wasn't missed. He didn't like leaving his troops but his wedding was scheduled for today and war couldn't have come at a worst time. As he sat down at his desk in his office on the H.M.S. Edward (named for King Edward IX, current sovereign of United Kingdom) his thoughts drifted to his comfortable office and the constant bickering in Parliament (which he strangely missed) back in UK, his estate in Kingdom of Great Britain (and again more bickering in the House of Lords which he strangely missed), and his palace and new wife back in TNGE. Regardless, he wouldn't use these as things to feel sorry for himself, he would use them to drive him forward, goals to obtain at the end of this Osirian war. He would make the enemy pay dearly for pulling him away from these things that he loved.
"Revenge is not my purpose my friend. Victory is, you can have your revenge afterword." -Jack of Spades
Kingdom of Great Britain- Prince Royal, Lord of Parliament, First Lord of the Admiralty
The Kingdom of Kvatch- King
Den- Corporal
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