<hr/><hr/><span style="display:block;text-align:center"><big><strong>Current Text</strong></big></span><hr/><hr/><br/><br/><blockquote class="quote_blockquote"><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div><big><strong>Criminal Codex of the Osiris Fraternal Order Act</strong></big><br/><br/><strong>Section 1: Institution and Purpose of the Codex</strong><br/><br/>1. The Criminal Codex of the Osiris Fraternal Order, hereafter referred to as the Codex, will be the fundamental Act of Osiran criminal law. Only offenses outlined in this Act will be considered crimes under Osiran law.<br/><br/><strong>Section 2: High Crimes</strong><br/><br/>1. The following are classified as high crimes against the Osiris Fraternal Order:<br/><br/>(a) "Treason" is defined as any attempt to overthrow or rebel against or incite others to overthrow or rebel against the Osiris Fraternal Order.<br/><br/>(b) "Sedition" is defined as any attempt to aid or incite others to aid enemies of the Osiris Fraternal Order during a time of war.<br/><br/>(c) "Espionage" is defined as the unsanctioned disclosure by an officer or agent of the Osiris Fraternal Order of confidential information relative to the interest or security of Osiris to a foreign region or its representative.<br/><br/>(d) "Off-site Property Destruction" is defined as any attempt to phish, crash, or spam any off-site property belonging to any region or organization in NationStates.<br/><br/>(e) "Citizenship Fraud" is defined as any attempt to provide false or misleading answers on one's application for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order or any attempt to conceal alternate NationStates aliases during the citizenship application process.<br/><br/>2. High crimes will carry a maximum sentence of permanent regional and/or forum ban, revocation of citizenship, and/or permanent prohibition of future citizenship.<br/><br/><strong>Section 3: Felony Crimes</strong><br/><br/>1. The following are classified as felony crimes against the Osiris Fraternal Order:<br/><br/>(a) "Unlawful Disclosure" is defined as any attempt to disclose information to anyone who is not authorized to view such information without the explicit approval of the government official(s) responsible for said information. The definition of Unlawful Disclosure will not be construed to criminalize disclosure of illegal activity to the appropriate authorities.<br/><br/>(b) "Official Impersonation" is defined as any attempt, for non-satirical purposes, to misrepresent one's self as an official of the Osiris Fraternal Order.<br/><br/>(c) "Electoral Fraud" is defined as any attempt to manipulate the outcome or results of any election through means which include, but are not limited to, violating electoral law or lawfully established electoral practices, impeding proper electoral administration, or officially misrepresenting electoral results.<br/><br/>(d) "Administrative Abuse" is defined as any attempt by administrators or moderators to use administrative or moderation power to improperly access, edit, or delete the account(s) or post(s) of any user of Osiran off-site property; to improperly restrict the right to free speech of Osiran citizens; to commit or aid in the commission of any other crime; or to conceal such behavior.<br/><br/>(e) "Harassment" is defined as the use of intimidation, blackmail, or other threatening conduct to damage the sense of security or dignity of any citizen or foreign guest of the Osiris Fraternal Order.<br/><br/>(f) "Bribery" is defined as any attempt to offer favors or gifts to voters or any electoral official(s) to influence any election or to the relevant official(s) to influence any appointment.<br/><br/>(g) "Conspiracy" is defined as any attempt to enter into a plot with one or more others to commit or conceal a high crime or felony or to aid any others in the commission or concealment of a high crime or felony.<br/><br/>(h) "Chronic Misdemeanor" is defined as the frequent commission of multiple misdemeanor crimes.<br/><br/>(i) "Felony Misdemeanor" is defined as the commission of multiple misdemeanor crimes.<br/><br/>2. Felony crimes will carry a maximum sentence of twelve month regional and/or forum ban.<br/><br/><strong>Section 4: Misdemeanor Crimes</strong><br/><br/>1. The following are classified as misdemeanor crimes against the Osiris Fraternal Order:<br/><br/>(a) "Defamation" is defined as any attempt to publicly attack the character of a citizen or foreign guest of the Osiris Fraternal Order with unsubstantiated or imaginary claims, with the malicious intent to cause serious damage to the reputation of that individual.<br/><br/>(b) "Impersonation" is defined as any attempt to misrepresent one's self, for non-satirical purposes, as another known NationStates player.<br/><br/>(c) "Fraud" is defined as any attempt to provide false or misleading information for the purpose of obtaining any significant benefit or advantage, political or otherwise.<br/><br/>(d) "Judicial Contempt" is defined as any attempt to disrupt the order of the Pschent or demonstration of repeated disregard for proper judicial procedure.<br/><br/>(e) "Unlawful Recruitment" is defined as any attempt to recruit residents of Osiris to another region or organization in NationStates through any Osiran off-site property or, if in violation of regulations established by the Pharaoh for Regional Message Board (RMB) recruitment advertisements, through the RMB of the NationStates region Osiris.<br/><br/>(f) "Unlawful Posting" is defined as posting in any governmental area in which one is not authorized by the relevant government official(s) to post or excessive, out of context posting in any area of Osiran off-site property that is not designated for that purpose or on the RMB of the NationStates region Osiris.<br/><br/>(g) "Unlawful Campaigning" is defined as posting electoral campaign messages in any area of Osiran off-site property other than those designated by electoral officials. The definition of Unlawful Campaigning will not be construed to prohibit campaign links or imagery in forum signatures or to prohibit candidates from private outreach to voters.<br/><br/>2. Misdemeanor crimes will carry a maximum sentence of one month regional and/or forum ban.<br/><br/><strong>Section 5: Definitions</strong><br/><br/>1. For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions will apply:<br/><br/>(a) "Off-site property" is defined as any forum or website that exists separately from the NationStates website.<br/><br/>(b) "Phishing" is defined as any attempt to gain administrative or moderation power over off-site property or passwords to off-site property accounts by deception.<br/><br/>(c) "Crashing" is defined as any attempt to cause off-site property to permanently go out of service or lose information, including but not necessarily limited to improper deletion of posts, deletion of a forum or website, and deliberate posting of content of such a nature that it could cause a forum or website host to delete the forum or website.<br/><br/>(d) "Spamming" is defined as any attempt to waste or exceed server capacity or to cause off-site property to become temporarily inaccessible, including but not necessarily limited to excessive page access, excessive account creation, excessive posting, and denial of service attacks.<br/><br/><strong>Section 6: Sentencing</strong><br/><br/>1. The Scribe of Justice or their deputy will detail recommended sentences when prosecuting criminal offenses before the Pschent, according to the procedure established by the Pschent.<br/><br/>2. Sentences will include formal censures or warnings, suspension of rights in accordance with the State Code of Osiris, forum bans, in-game ejections, in-game bans, revocation of citizenship, and prohibition of future citizenship.<br/><br/><strong>Section 7: Jurisdiction</strong><br/><br/>1. The Osiris Fraternal Order will have jurisdiction to prosecute high crimes and felony crimes against Osiris without regard to the location or medium in which such crimes are committed.<br/><br/>2. The Osiris Fraternal Order will have jurisdiction to prosecute misdemeanor crimes only if they are committed on Osiran off-site property or in the NationStates region Osiris.<br/><br/><strong>Section 8: Statute of Limitations</strong><br/><br/>1. In order to be valid, a charge of a high crime must be brought before the Pschent by the Scribe of Justice or their deputy within twelve months of the date the alleged offense occurred.<br/><br/>2. In order to be valid, a charge of a felony crime must be brought before the Pschent by the Scribe of Justice or their deputy within six months of the date the alleged offense occurred.<br/><br/>3. In order to be valid, a charge of a misdemeanor crime must be brought before the Pschent by the Scribe of Justice or their deputy within three months of the date the alleged offense occurred.</div></blockquote><br/><br/><hr/><hr/><span style="display:block;text-align:center"><big><strong>Legislative History</strong></big></span><hr/><hr/><br/><br/><strong><a href="https://osiris.valthost.com/viewtopic.php?&t=10075651/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Passed</a></strong> by the Deshret on 19 February 2014.<br/><strong><a href="https://osiris.valthost.com/viewtopic.php?&t=10086719/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Signed</a></strong> by Pharaoh Joshua Ravenclaw on 19 February 2014.<br/><strong><a href="https://osiris.valthost.com/viewtopic.php?&t=11022378/1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Amended</a></strong> by the Dehsret on 7 March 2015.<br/><strong><a href="https://osiris.valthost.com/viewtopic.php?&t=11035075/1" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Signed</a></strong> by Pharaoh Tim Stark on 8 March 2015.<br/><br/><br/><div class="spoiler_toggle">Original Text</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"><br/><blockquote class="quote_blockquote"><dl><dt>Quote:</dt><dd> </dd></dl><div><br/><strong>Section 1: Institution and Purpose of the Codex</strong><br/><br/>1. The Criminal Codex of the Osiris Fraternal Order, hereafter referred to as the Codex, will be the fundamental Act of Osiran criminal law. Only offenses outlined in this Act will be considered crimes under Osiran law.<br/><br/><strong>Section 2: High Crimes</strong><br/><br/>1. The following are classified as high crimes against the Osiris Fraternal Order:<br/><br/>(a) "Treason" is defined as any attempt to overthrow or rebel against or incite others to overthrow or rebel against the Osiris Fraternal Order.<br/><br/>(b) "Sedition" is defined as any attempt to aid or incite others to aid enemies of the Osiris Fraternal Order during a time of war.<br/><br/>(c) "Espionage" is defined as the unsanctioned disclosure by an officer or agent of the Osiris Fraternal Order of confidential information relative to the interest or security of Osiris to a foreign region or its representative.<br/><br/>(d) "Off-site Property Destruction" is defined as any attempt to phish, crash, or spam any off-site property belonging to any region or organization in NationStates.<br/><br/>(e) "Citizenship Fraud" is defined as any attempt to provide false or misleading answers on one's application for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order or any attempt to conceal alternate NationStates aliases during the citizenship application process.<br/><br/>2. High crimes will carry a minimum sentence of twelve month regional and forum ban and a maximum sentence of permanent regional and/or forum ban, revocation of citizenship, and/or permanent prohibition of future citizenship.<br/><br/><strong>Section 3: Felony Crimes</strong><br/><br/>1. The following are classified as felony crimes against the Osiris Fraternal Order:<br/><br/>(a) "Unlawful Disclosure" is defined as any attempt to disclose information to anyone who is not authorized to view such information without the explicit approval of the government official(s) responsible for said information. The definition of Unlawful Disclosure will not be construed to criminalize disclosure of illegal activity to the appropriate authorities.<br/><br/>(b) "Official Impersonation" is defined as any attempt, for non-satirical purposes, to misrepresent one's self as an official of the Osiris Fraternal Order.<br/><br/>(c) "Electoral Fraud" is defined as any attempt to manipulate the outcome or results of any election through means which include, but are not limited to, violating electoral law or lawfully established electoral practices, impeding proper electoral administration, or officially misrepresenting electoral results.<br/><br/>(d) "Administrative Abuse" is defined as any attempt by administrators or moderators to use administrative or moderation power to improperly access, edit, or delete the account(s) or post(s) of any user of Osiran off-site property; to improperly restrict the right to free speech of Osiran citizens; to commit or aid in the commission of any other crime; or to conceal such behavior.<br/><br/>(e) "Harassment" is defined as the use of intimidation, blackmail, or other threatening conduct to damage the sense of security or dignity of any citizen or foreign guest of the Osiris Fraternal Order.<br/><br/>(f) "Bribery" is defined as any attempt to offer favors or gifts to voters or any electoral official(s) to influence any election or to the relevant official(s) to influence any appointment.<br/><br/>(g) "Conspiracy" is defined as any attempt to enter into a plot with one or more others to commit or conceal a high crime or felony or to aid any others in the commission or concealment of a high crime or felony.<br/><br/>(h) "Chronic Misdemeanor" is defined as the frequent commission of multiple misdemeanor crimes.<br/><br/>(i) "Felony Misdemeanor" is defined as the commission of multiple misdemeanor crimes.<br/><br/>2. Felony crimes will carry a minimum sentence of one month forum ban and a maximum sentence of twelve month regional and/or forum ban.<br/><br/><strong>Section 4: Misdemeanor Crimes</strong><br/><br/>1. The following are classified as misdemeanor crimes against the Osiris Fraternal Order:<br/><br/>(a) "Defamation" is defined as any attempt to publicly attack the character of a citizen or foreign guest of the Osiris Fraternal Order with unsubstantiated or imaginary claims, with the malicious intent to cause serious damage to the reputation of that individual.<br/><br/>(b) "Impersonation" is defined as any attempt to misrepresent one's self, for non-satirical purposes, as another known NationStates player.<br/><br/>(c) "Fraud" is defined as any attempt to provide false or misleading information for the purpose of obtaining any significant benefit or advantage, political or otherwise.<br/><br/>(d) "Judicial Contempt" is defined as any attempt to disrupt the order of the Pschent or demonstration of repeated disregard for proper judicial procedure.<br/><br/>(e) "Unlawful Recruitment" is defined as any attempt to recruit residents of Osiris to another region or organization in NationStates through any Osiran off-site property or, if in violation of regulations established by the Pharaoh for Regional Message Board (RMB) recruitment advertisements, through the RMB of the NationStates region Osiris.<br/><br/>(f) "Unlawful Posting" is defined as posting in any governmental area in which one is not authorized by the relevant government official(s) to post or excessive, out of context posting in any area of Osiran off-site property that is not designated for that purpose or on the RMB of the NationStates region Osiris.<br/><br/>(g) "Unlawful Campaigning" is defined as posting electoral campaign messages in any area of Osiran off-site property other than those designated by electoral officials. The definition of Unlawful Campaigning will not be construed to prohibit campaign links or imagery in forum signatures or to prohibit candidates from private outreach to voters.<br/><br/>2. Misdemeanor crimes will carry a maximum sentence of one month regional and/or forum ban.<br/><br/><strong>Section 5: Definitions</strong><br/><br/>1. For the purposes of this Act, the following definitions will apply:<br/><br/>(a) "Off-site property" is defined as any forum or website that exists separately from the NationStates website.<br/><br/>(b) "Phishing" is defined as any attempt to gain administrative or moderation power over off-site property or passwords to off-site property accounts by deception.<br/><br/>(c) "Crashing" is defined as any attempt to cause off-site property to permanently go out of service or lose information, including but not necessarily limited to improper deletion of posts, deletion of a forum or website, and deliberate posting of content of such a nature that it could cause a forum or website host to delete the forum or website.<br/><br/>(d) "Spamming" is defined as any attempt to waste or exceed server capacity or to cause off-site property to become temporarily inaccessible, including but not necessarily limited to excessive page access, excessive account creation, excessive posting, and denial of service attacks.<br/><br/><strong>Section 6: Sentencing</strong><br/><br/>1. The Scribe of Justice or their deputy will detail recommended sentences when prosecuting criminal offenses before the Pschent, according to the procedure established by the Pschent.<br/><br/>2. Sentences will include formal censures or warnings, suspension of rights in accordance with the State Code of Osiris, forum bans, in-game ejections, in-game bans, revocation of citizenship, and prohibition of future citizenship.<br/><br/><strong>Section 7: Jurisdiction</strong><br/><br/>1. The Osiris Fraternal Order will have jurisdiction to prosecute high crimes and felony crimes against Osiris without regard to the location or medium in which such crimes are committed.<br/><br/>2. The Osiris Fraternal Order will have jurisdiction to prosecute misdemeanor crimes only if they are committed on Osiran off-site property or in the NationStates region Osiris.<br/><br/><strong>Section 8: Statute of Limitations</strong><br/><br/>1. In order to be valid, a charge of a high crime must be brought before the Pschent by the Scribe of Justice or their deputy within twelve months of the date the alleged offense occurred.<br/><br/>2. In order to be valid, a charge of a felony crime must be brought before the Pschent by the Scribe of Justice or their deputy within six months of the date the alleged offense occurred.<br/><br/>3. In order to be valid, a charge of a misdemeanor crime must be brought before the Pschent by the Scribe of Justice or their deputy within three months of the date the alleged offense occurred<br/></div></blockquote><br/></div>
<div class="editby">Edited by <strong><a href="http://w11.zetaboards.com/OFO/profile/3 ... a></strong>, Mar 8 2015, 04:09 AM.</div>
Criminal Codex of the Osiris Fraternal Order Act
Moderator: Pharaoh
Criminal Codex of the Osiris Fraternal Order Act
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris
"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris
"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
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