The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »


Osiris in the past, has seen diminished foreign relations with various regions caused by the attitudes of its government and senior officials. Europeia was one such region, where our relations suffered due to past events, The West Pacific, Balder, and even The South Pacific are each examples of where we have not handled things properly and thus experienced a less than pleasant diplomatic relationship as a result. Officials of Osiris need to handle diplomatic issues properly, in the proper channels and should refrain from making politically charged, or insulting comments regarding regions which have aided us in public places, those comments undermine our own foreign policy, as well as our government and are not acceptable behaviour for those wishing to remain in the executive.

In the same vein, the Vizier has two duties: one to Osiris and one to the Pharaoh who nominated them. They have to be open with each other, they have to communicate, share ideas, collaborate on projects, speeches and goals in order for their goals to be successful, and most importantly, they need to effectively troubleshoot any problems that appear between them in private, so as not to undermine the government in public.

When a Vizier decides to undermine the Pharaoh rather than taking steps to share a concern privately, then it triggers more concerns than it solves. When someone in that same vein is out of order in a public forum, the Deshret, to the Pharaoh over a matter which did not warrant such a reaction, and then ignores a request from the Pharaoh to discuss it, citing "I've said that all I needed to say", and saying that "I had to make a point to make you realise how silly it sounded" raises concerns that the Vizier is not acting in the best interest of the region, and is instead for whatever reason, causing the opposite effect and attempting to bring drama and strife to a region that has had enough of it.

I made an attempt to resolve the situation, seeking an apology to the President of Europeia for George's comments - the person he deliberately aimed his remarks at. George refused.

I made an attempt to discuss the situation regarding the Deshret, to further understand why he made those remarks. George refused, stating that he'd said all that he needed to.

These two actions, both damage Osiris. The first damages our international standing with Europeia and could damage our standing with other regions who have supported us. The second, damages not just my own standing, but the standing of my Government, and the stability of our region - something we have worked hard on since December.

Those two items were not ideal events, and after the responses to them, I asked for his resignation. He has refused, and has told me to fire him... followed by a thread in the Pharaoh's Palace announcing that "I had sacked him", and that the Deshret wasted their time. I disagree with that claim, and will explain why later.

I will not allow history to repeat itself. We allowed people to get away with dangerous decisions in the past and it brought us a civil war and two coups. It is not in the best interest of Osiris that this continues, and as Pharaoh, your elected Pharaoh, I feel that George Holland has shown himself unfit to serve as Vizier and Vice-Delegate of Osiris.

The Deshret followed my request to name him as Vizier. I originally viewed his offer as a sign that fortunes for Osiris were on the rise - he was a strong leader in his time, and I felt he was seeking a second chance to right the wrongs he felt were committed in the past, I understood that feeling and agreed. However, it would appear that my own judgement was amiss in that I did not realise that whatever feeling he had to right those wrongs would so quickly vanish when he was close to the seat of power.

George Holland-Stark, was the fifth Pharaoh of Osiris. The named Successor to Lyanna Stark. He came to the helm when tensions with Empire were beginning to boil, and under his reign, they went public after he removed Biyah from the centre of power. The retaliation of that, was the December 2012 Empire coup. Later on that year, we were brought closer to war with Gatesville Inc after arguments in the Sovereign Confederation channel between him and Queen Nevadar brought both forces to the brink of war following tensions caused by Milograd's Socialist Republic South Pacific, aka TSP's 2013 Coup. He resigned, shortly after the event but left a region divided bitterly. When he offered to be my Vizier, I had hoped that he sought to fix the divides that he had caused, and to help build Osiris stronger and greater than before... and the Deshret saw my hopes and agreed with my choice. For that, it was not a waste of the Deshret's time, for they believed that George would be a key aspect in making Osiris greater than ever before... faith that appears to have been misplaced as we face this difficult situation now.

To make matters worse, there has since been an attempt to cause drama in #osi pertaining to this. This is further evidence to me, that George is unfit to serve as Vizier. This region does not need drama, and when someone who has been part of this region attempts the same tactics as Biyah and Empire, it is important that we put a stop to it immediately.

After consulting with various advisers on this matter, I feel that I have no other options but to request the Deshret to recall George Holland as Vizier and Vice-Delegate of Osiris.

I have asked for his resignation, and I do not enjoy this. I feel however, that in the interests of Osiran stability, and community that the I have no other options but to request this from the Deshret.

In his place, I would like the Deshret to confirm, long-time citizen and member of the Legion, Ygfbv as Vizier and Vice-Delegate of Osiris.

Joshua Ravenclaw
5th April 2012 -
"The Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Imperial Crown" - The Tenth Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Pharaoh of Osiris, First elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Former Advisor to the Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Spokespriest and Priest of the Council of Ma'at, Deputy Grand Hedjeti and Priest of the Hedjet and Guardian of the Atef
Former Vice Delegate, Justice and Chief Justice, Former Sepatarch, Co-Spokesperson of the Sepatarchy
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George Holland
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by George Holland »

And so here we have it. We finally have the smear campaign that I always knew you were capable of Raven. Great job. :)

Now, let's examine some of these claims he makes.

Firstly, he declares that I've endangered our relations with Europeia. For the record, what I said was this.

To my knowledge, we have not received a single complaint from Europeia over that post, and aside from Raven blowing up at me about it yesterday, nothing further was said. Raven is using that comment as part of a mud-slinging campaign to replace me with one of his supporters.

The second claim is that I haven't supported him enough or that I shouldn't have made public my concerns about his post here.

I disagree with his claim/complaint. What I was doing was showing him publicly that he was treading dangerously close to the kind of territory we saw in old Osiris. And given that, in old Osiris, he threw his lot in with Empire on more than one occasion, even flying an Empire flag on his nation when Empire were threatening civil war, I felt it was a legitimate way to caution him.

He then goes on to blame me for the problems that old Osiris had, problems that existed before my Pharaohship, and problems that he contributed to.

He further then accuses me of using the tactics of Biyah and Empire. Well, Raven would know all about their tactics, being aligned with that group for some time in old Osiris.

This Pharaoh was meant to be a grand unifier. Someone who would help build Osiris up to new heights. We're not even a week into his reign and he's already alienating his vizier, and now trying to remove him from power.

I'm well aware that the Deshret will probably follow Raven in this. I'm well aware that people I consider my friends will support this, but someone I care about very much once took a stand and refused to follow an order, a plan, a request that they felt wasn't right.

That person was proven right in the end. Something to think about in the two and a half months between now and when I challenge Raven for the delegacy.
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by shetef »

As per the request of the Pharaoh, I have provided a neutral non-binding advisory legal opinion in this thread.
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Cormac »

Log from this morning in the Hedjet IRC channel, posted at the request of Pharaoh Lord Ravenclaw who asked that it be posted by a neutral third party who was present for the conversation to avoid accusations of log tampering:
[03:53] <@Raven|brb> Sam... ... #p18630549
[03:53] <@Raven|brb> Do you know how bad that post looks considering everything Europeia has done for us?
[03:54] <@Raven|brb> You are a public figure who is both Vice-Delegate of Osiris and my second in command... things like that can be taken as official views, and after everything that we have gone through, which Euro stood next to us and supported us, you quote their president and say one of the most undiplomatic and utterly rude things you could say about the region?
[03:55] <@sam> Are you serious?
[03:55] <@Raven|brb> Yes I am.
[03:55] <@sam> Are actually fucking shitting me?
[03:55] <@sam> Blow it out your ass.
[03:55] <@Raven|brb> I want you to issue a formal apology to not just President Anumia, but the Repibluc of Europeia.
[03:55] <@sam> No.
[03:55] <@sam> Absolutely not.
[03:56] <@Raven|brb> I do not want your actions to bring Osiris into difficulties with other regions, we do not want a repeat of the past.
[03:56] <@sam> My comments were made not even as a memeber of Osiris.
[03:56] <@sam> They were made as a member of NS.
[03:56] <@Raven|brb> They made by Mad Jack, which is your nation in Osiris.
[03:56] <@Raven|brb> Which is on the WFE as Vice-Delegate.
[03:56] <@sam> And clearly were made in my role as vizier right?
[03:56] <@sam> despite the lack of me saying 'as vizier of osiris'
[03:56] <@sam> right
[03:56] <@sam> yeah
[03:56] <@sam> again
[03:56] <@sam> blow it out your ass.
[03:56] <@Raven|brb> That BS line would not have worked had our roles being reversed, and you would have eaten me alive for it.
[03:57] <@Raven|brb> The same is true here.
[03:57] <@sam> No, I really wouldn't have.
[03:57] <@Raven|brb> Then perhaps we remember different things.
[03:57] <@sam> Yes we dod.
[03:57] <@sam> *do
[03:57] <@Raven|brb> Clearly. I also remember when someone leaked from SovCon and I was blamed, despite not having access.
[03:57] <@sam> I remember backing you to the hilt when people came after you for the changes you made to how our FA worked.
[03:58] <@sam> I remember supporting you against multiple criticisms and against a concerted effort to remove you.
[03:58] <@Raven|brb> Funny how people complain after months of inactivity in a department.
[03:58] <@sam> It is.
[03:58] <@Raven|brb> And I done the same for you when you went on your anti-defender spree.
[03:58] <@Raven|brb> I spent hours in discussion with various people trying to calm them down.
[03:59] <@sam> You also tried forcing Asta out.
[03:59] <@sam> So yeah.
[03:59] <@sam> No apology for my comments.
[03:59] <@Raven|brb> How unfortunate.
[04:00] <@sam> I'm sure you think so.
[04:01] <@Raven|brb> Between this, and your post the other day in the Deshret - which was rude beyond measure, and looked even worse than the Gameplay post, I have to wonder if you can even commit to be Vizier.
[04:01] <@Raven|brb> If you cannot come to me in private or this channel before posting dangerous and utterly insulting comments, then we are on a dangerous course.
[04:01] <@Raven|brb> History will repeat iself unless you and I made a concerted effort to communicate.
[04:01] <@sam> Sorry I'm not the one who implied that if changes went through then I'd coup.
[04:02] <@sam> There was a serious point to my post in the Deshret
[04:02] <@sam> it was to make you realise just how your post looked.
[04:02] <@Raven|brb> You went attack-dog at the first sign. You did not, as you should have, contact me to discuss it.
[04:03] <@sam> I went attack-dog at the first sign of you being just another old Osiris delegate, yes.
[04:03] <@Raven|brb> Had you contacted me, and told me how it looked, I'd have removed it. But you decided to PROVE A POINT?
01[04:03] <@Cormac> Hai.
[04:03] <@sam> Becuase my responsiblities are not to you
[04:03] <@sam> then are to Osiris.
[04:03] <@sam> maybe you should remember that
[04:03] <@sam> before you bitch at me
01[04:03] <@Cormac> Let's take a time out here for a second.
[04:03] <@sam> and threaten a confrontation
[04:04] <@Raven|brb> I wanted to discuss the matter with you, yet you seem to have managed to miss my message. I sent it at 1:25pm yesterday.
[04:05] <@Raven|brb> I'm not going to BS with flowers and sweet shit over something that is important.
[04:05] <@sam> I didn't see any reason to discuss the matter. I said all I had to say.
01[04:05] <@Cormac> You're both responsible to Osiris, yes. You're also both responsible to each other, it's sort of how the system was designed. You're meant to work together, far more than was the case with the Pharaoh and the Kai Repat. The Vizier is much more executive than our Vice Delegate ever has been.
[04:05] <@Raven|brb> ^
04[04:06] <@Raven|brb> That is why when I saw how my post had gone over, and when I read it over myself, when I was more alert, I apologised to Cormac because it came out wrong. I've also explained my comments about TNP to Mcmasterdonia who agreed with me. I accepted the response from Cormac and thanked him for it, because he at least replied civilly.
1[04:06] <@Cormac> I'm not pointing fingers here, at either of you, but this, this can't happen. You guys have to learn to communicate with each other and work together. You cannot be the new Earth and Biyah, or the new Douria and Quad, or etc.
01[04:07] <@Cormac> Osiris won't survive that kind of feud again, not when this government is in its infancy.
[04:07] <@Raven|brb> That is why I wanted to discuss it ^
[04:07] <@Raven|brb> Because it needed to be discussed.
[04:07] <@sam> I replied in the manner with which I have always conducted discourse in this region. If you have a problem with that, perhaps you shouldn't have agreed to make me your vizier.
[04:08] <@sam> And no, I don't think it did need to be discussed.
[04:08] <@sam> Anything else you'd care to bring up about how I conduct myself?
[04:08] <@sam> Anyone else you think I might've offended?
[04:09] <@Raven|brb> I would like your resignation as Vizier and Vice Delegate of Osiris.
[04:09] <@Raven|brb> If you so please.
03[04:09] * Raven|brb is now known as LordRavenclaw
[04:09] <@sam> No.
[04:09] <@sam> You want rid of them
[04:09] <@sam> fire me
[04:09] <@sam> and explain to the deshret why they just wasted their time
[04:09] <@sam> in confirming me
[04:11] <@LordRavenclaw> Yes, because three letters is a waste of time. No, they confirmed everyone - not just you. You are no different to any other person in this region, you were confirmed by the Deshret just like the other members of the Hedjet.
[04:11] <@sam> Again
[04:11] <@sam> if you want to get rid of me
[04:11] <@sam> then do so
[04:11] <@sam> but I'm not resigning.
[04:13] <@LordRavenclaw> As you wish George, as you wish.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Cormac »

Regrettably, I've decided to vote Aye on this recall. I had planned to vote Present and to be neutral in this matter but the Vizier's willingness to drag Osiris' still tarnished but recovering reputation through the mud in Gameplay has convinced me otherwise. We need a Vizier who is able to restrain himself for the good of Osiris, and we don't currently have that Vizier.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Koth »

Color me disappointed.

It's been a week and already we're taking desperate measures again. The Empire was the biggest problem before the Fraternal Order, but it certainly wasn't the only problem. The public shitslinging and drama creation has become synonymous with our region in the greater NS world, and y'all are doing a real fucking bang-up job helping to curb that stereotype.

George, my problem with your behavior does not lie with your actions taken against Anumia on the GP forum, or with your questioning of Raven when he made extremely questionable statements on a legislation draft. My problem lies in your reactions. You claim that Osiris is your first priority, and I honestly am inclined to believe that is the case, but you're doing a pretty shitty job of breaking our universal stereotype of having a dysfunctional government. When you criticize the dude you're supposed to be working closely with for a greater future, do it in private. I am inclined to believe that every action you have taken has been to further an agenda of getting Raven out of office. Not actions becoming of a good Vizier.

Raven, it is not your place to demand apologies that nobody asked for. George is a NationStates player just the same as you and I, he's entitled to his opinion without having to slap his Vizier label on every post he writes. I'm disappointed that your knee-jerk reaction to a temporary upset was to immediately begin a recall motion in favor of a close personal friend of yours. It really doesn't look good, bro. Neither of you are blameless when it comes to how you've handled this situation.

But frankly, I'm pissed off at your constant flamebaiting, George. It's entirely evident that you want a fight, a public fight that will embarrass our region's Pharaoh and get him kicked out of office. I cannot support these sorts of actions, I cannot support these recall motions, and I certainly hope that future Pharaohs and Viziers will look back on this situation, the feuds between Earth and Biyah, and other such examples of unproductive executive infighting and vow not to let this sort of shit plague their regimes.

I look forward to a reasonable solution to this problem. Without this clash of personalities undermining the image of our government. I have voted present on this recall vote because I don't agree that the motion was the right way of fixing this problem. I trust my fellow Deshretis to make a decision that's best for the region, regardless.

His Majesty Ambroscus Koth Vytherov, Hasal-Pharaoh, Bru'uh of Osiris
Khetemtai in the House of Sekhmet
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Abacathea »

I have to vote present here. Koth and Cormac together make points that I agree with, but I cannot in good conscience add to any further instabilities in what is such a short time of what I have been repeatedly saying as "the most stable Osiris yet".

Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this madness and hope a speedy conclusion is reached.
"Abacathea, the invader-leaning SC Author "
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<Treize_Dreizehn>: Though I'll say, go for a girl with either no teeth or all her teeth. None of that in between crap.

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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Venico »

[20:29] <@Venico> Ok so
[20:29] <@Venico> Here's is the two cents of the founder of the OFO (or one of whatever)
[20:29] <@Venico> Shut up, stop acting like kids
[20:29] <@Venico> Osiris does not need this
[20:29] <@Venico> Osiris NEEDS unity and strength through communication
[20:29] <@Venico> Not emotion
[20:30] <@Venico> Yes we're all big dickerd people who like to swing it around
[20:30] <@Venico> yes we all have egos
[20:30] <@Venico> yes we're all sensitive
[20:30] <@Venico> Osiris comes before all of that
[20:30] <@Venico> Knock it off. Talk like men. Stop acting like boys.

~First Lord of Giza~

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George Holland
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by George Holland »

As I said in the channel before I was muted for 'flaming', if Raven wants to talk, then he can approach me. I've no inclination to start after his smearing of me today and his disgraceful accusations of me being the cause of what 2013 so shit for Osiris.
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The Vizier of Osiris, George Holland.

Post by Lord Ravenclaw »

You had an opportunity on the 1st of February to discuss things, and were given another one yesterday morning in the Hedjet, the results of which are visible above.

I feel that after not one, but two attempts in #osi to cause problems, one Gameplay thread to drag Osiris, and myself through the muck, and one thread by yourself earlier which you deleted when you realised that it wasn't going to work, I have more than enough to go on regarding your feelings.
Joshua Ravenclaw
5th April 2012 -
"The Pharaoh-Emeritus of the Imperial Crown" - The Tenth Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Pharaoh of Osiris, First elected Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order, Former Advisor to the Pharaoh of Osiris
Former Spokespriest and Priest of the Council of Ma'at, Deputy Grand Hedjeti and Priest of the Hedjet and Guardian of the Atef
Former Vice Delegate, Justice and Chief Justice, Former Sepatarch, Co-Spokesperson of the Sepatarchy
Former Vizier of Foreign Affairs, Scribe of Foreign Affairs, Deputy of Foreign Affairs and Director of the Diplomatic Service
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