Sekhmet Legion Applications

Apply for Osiran Citizenship, the Sekhmet Legion, or diplomatic status here!

Moderator: Pharaoh

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Imyr Muaat
Imyr Muaat
Posts: 285
Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2021 5:22 pm


Re: Sekhmet Legion Applications

Post by Phoebe »

Redinnia, your application is accepted! Welcome to the Legion
Imyr Muaat of the Sekhmet Legion
Vizier of World Assembly Affairs
Sub-Vizier of Gameside Affairs

Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:23 pm

Re: Sekhmet Legion Applications

Post by Mixton »

Nation in Osiris: Mixton

WA (world assembly) Nation Name: mixton

Organization(s) none

Prior gameplay experience (if applicable):

What is your discord username tag?:

Have you ever had a ban on any of your nations and, if so, please provide details details on this incident:

Please swear the following oath of allegiance:

I, mixton , swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for membership of the Sekhmet Legion and agree to defend Osiris from all enemies internal and external. I agree to notify my commanding officer if for any reason I may be in conflict or on the other side of a conflict involving the legion. I agree to obey all orders given to me by my commanding officers unless I suspect that such orders are unlawful at which point I will notify the Commander in Chief of the legion (the Pharaoh) about such orders. I agree to abide by this oath as well as this oath of citizenship unless when the two may conflict in which case I will always follow my oath of citizenship first. I reaffirm the commitments made in my oath of citizenship and also understand that further action may be taken if I undertake to harm the Osiris Fraternal Order (i.e. Court Marshal). I swear that all I do as a legionnaire will be in Osiris’ best interests and to follow this oath always.
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