Osiran Citizenship Applications

Apply for Osiran Citizenship, the Sekhmet Legion, or diplomatic status here!

Moderator: Pharaoh

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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Skyrimisgreat »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: The Usr
World Assembly (WA) Nation: the Usr

Please list your Discord ID here:

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Prussiiaaa

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: still part of concord need to figure out how to resend my citizenship but I will

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: concord

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: sure

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, [skyrim], swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Wooglum »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: SIWR in Osiris
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Social Imperialist Workers Republics

Please list your Discord ID here:
Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates:
Air Squadron SIWR, my puppet nation for raiding
Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
Citizen of The Communist Bloc
Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
Citizen of The Communist Bloc
Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?:
Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Wooglum, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by blueskye »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Equillenium
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Equillenium

Please list your Discord ID here: 788887558478233650

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Skye Azure? (leader of nation)

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: None

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: The Leftist Assembly

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: Sure

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, BlueSkye, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Asallah »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: INSERT NATION HERE
World Assembly (WA) Nation: INSERT NATION HERE

Please list your Discord ID here: 455371804010348554

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Asallah

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Osiris

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Merciam

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: Yes

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, [Applicant's Name], swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by alfaz0497 »

Nation in Osiris: Ostann Hath and Seranalase
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Ostann Hath and Seranalase

Please list your Discord ID here: albertfaz0497

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: None

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: None

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Karma, The Communist Bloc

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: It would be greatly appreciated

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Albert, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
Last edited by alfaz0497 on Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by VanthaMerc_4 »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: VanthaMerc 4
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Vantha

Please list your Discord ID here: DarksideQueen

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Vanthalis

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: TBH, SPK, BOM, LWU, LotD

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: -

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: Yes

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, VanthaMerc 4, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Kharostia »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Folklock
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Kharostia

Please list your Discord ID here: suv0rovmc (an alt to my main)

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: Kharostia (this is a puppet btw but not a frequently used one)

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Osiris

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: The Black Hawks, Balder, The Communist Bloc, Europe, Lair of the Dragon, Declansburg (a few days to a few weeks each)

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Folklock, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
Obrithe lock Garman
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Obrithe lock Garman »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Obrithe lock Garman
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Obrithe lock Garman

Please list your Discord ID here: transghostonthespectrum

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: none

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
None other than osiris
Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: none

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: no

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Ezri ruler of obrithe lock garman, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.
Obrithe lock Garman
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:35 pm

Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by Obrithe lock Garman »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Obrithe loch Garman
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Obrithe loch Garman

Please list your Discord ID here: transghostonthespectrum

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: none

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member:
None other than osiris
Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: none

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: no

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I, Ezri ruler of obrithe loch garman, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

I dont have an vpn active.
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Re: Osiran Citizenship Applications

Post by alfaz0497 »

Citizenship Application

Nation in Osiris: Ostann Hath and Seranalase
World Assembly (WA) Nation: Ostann Hath and Seranalase

Please list your Discord ID here: HC_KingAlbert97

Please list any other names or aliases you use in NationStates: N/A

Please list regions or organizations with which you are currently affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: None

Please list regions or organizations with which you have in the past been affiliated as a resident, citizen, or member: Karma, The Communist Bloc, The Black Hawks

Would you like to be assigned a mentor to help you learn the ropes in Osiris?: No

Please swear the following oath of citizenship:

I,Albert the First, swear that I have, to the best of my knowledge, been completely truthful in applying for citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order and that I have no other NationStates identity that has not been made known in this application. I swear my allegiance to the Osiris Fraternal Order and its citizens, and I swear not to engage in hostilities against the Osiris Fraternal Order or to violate the Scroll of Horus or any laws made pursuant to that constitution.

(At the time of this application I have not actively used a VPN or proxy server.)
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