Campaign for a Pyramid

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Who should win the newly rediscovered pyramid?

Poll ended at Tue May 02, 2023 6:32 pm

Cret; The Osiris Owl and Chicken Sanctuary
No votes
Mike; Orłowski Security and Renovations' Entertainment Venue
Draco; Pyramis Draconis ( The Dragon's Tomb )
Skies; The Storage Facility
No votes
Total votes: 3
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Campaign for a Pyramid

Post by Cretanja »

All the way back in 2018, a team of adventurous Osirans discovered an unchartered pyramid slapped in the middle of the our ever-expanding desert! Hasal-Pharaoh Altino graciously decided to allow one lucky Osiran the chance to claim this new pyramid as their own by means of devising the best campaign to sway voters into choosing them to win in a historic election.

Now in the present day, another pyramid from a lost time was recently unearthed! Sticking to tradition, our beloved Pharaoh Hazel-Malphe has allowed for citizens to conjure up a campaign, where-in afterward, an election will decide who will get to claim this newly rediscovered pyramid.

For your campaign, describe what you would do with the pyramid. For example, will you turn it into an embassy for ambassadors from far away lands? Renovate it into a hot new beauty salon? What about a hip and happenin’ club that only A-List Osirans can afford to go to? The options are endless; the more details, the better! After the 29th Whenever deemed appropriate, an election will take place to see which lucky campaigner wins the pyramid!

Things You Can Do With Your Pyramid:
• Name the pyramid.
• Change the appearance of it (aka paint it pink, etc).
• Give specifics on rooms.
• Relocate it.
• Create up to 5 rooms.

^ Link to original event~

Good Luck, friends!
🦉 Priest Guardian Deputy Scribe Sekhmet Legionnaire Vizier of Community Affairs Avowed Master of the Temple of Nun Self Proclaimed Lord Protector of Owls Worldwide
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Re: Campaign for a Pyramid

Post by Cretanja »

Vote 4 Cret's OOCS!!

Should I win the this awesome opportunity to own this pyramid, I vouch to forever use it for only good things.
I would maintain that it's legal residence should stay in Osiris, and it should benefit our community.

I would name the pyramid The Osiris Owl and Chicken Sanctuary or OOCS, for short.

While owls are my area of expertise as the Self Proclaimed Lord Protector of Owls Worldwide, I am willing to extend some love towards our domesticated avian friends in an attempt to make a right out of a wrong. Amongst us within our community lies a villain of dastardly proportions... lurking in the shadows, awaiting the moment to strike. Many may not know it, but these seemingly innocent establishments that have popped up across their many platforms, have a dark and sinister motive at the expense of our gullible consumers and many hundred-thousand slain chickens. While trying to maintain composer, I urge all to backcheck and thoroughly scrutinize any business you may visit or invest in. Furthermore, I encourage everyone to join me in stomping out hate against our chicken friends. #ChickensAreFriendsNotFood #EndTheStigma

The outside colour of the pyramid would be updated to a beautiful neon purple paint, with mint doors and windows.

There will be specific rooms within the pyramid to provide comfortable living for our Owl and Poultry residents.
Room One : The Feed Room ; here owls and chickens alike may gather to eat the highest standard of imported fruits, grains... and other more important sources of protein.
Room Two : The Coop ; residents of OOCS may come to this room for quite time, winding-down, and relaxation.
Room Three : Fight or Flight Room ; residents of OOCS may come to this room for one-to-one self defense training.
Room Four : Visitor's Lounge ; here Osirans from across the region may come and meet our rescued feathered friends.

I really hope to win the trust of my fellow Osirans, and I hope they vote me to receive this pyramid.
🦉 Priest Guardian Deputy Scribe Sekhmet Legionnaire Vizier of Community Affairs Avowed Master of the Temple of Nun Self Proclaimed Lord Protector of Owls Worldwide
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Re: Campaign for a Pyramid

Post by Mike »

A vote for the Osiran Pyramid is a vote for Osiran prosperity

Should I win this pyramid I will open to the public while remaining located entirely within Osiris, staffed by Osirans, and owned by Osirans. It is to be simply named the Osiran Pyramid.

My company, Orłowski Security and Renovations, will convert this pyramid into a multi use entertainment venue in order to increase the GDP of Osiris. With this additional income for our beautiful region our Pharaoh may finally be able to give each Guardian a $0.05/week raise for their hard work.

Getting down to brass tacks, the upper 2/3s of the pyramid will be completely demolished and replaced in turn with the highest grade glass available, coated in a bronze paint so as to not turn this pyramid into a death ray, while the bottom 1/3 will be turned into a hollow box made out of the original sandstone with artificial lighting installed. In this way not only will we be able to bring this pyramid into the 21st century, but we can also preserve some of its ancient history without coating over it in gaudy colors. Within the glass portion we will make extensive use of the space to be able to provide a brand new shopping and entertainment experience to Osiris' vast and cultured citizenry, as well as any and all guests.

Room One: Within this vast room we will have a massive aquarium constructed. This aquarium will be set into three main exhibit areas, a 100,000 gallon tank dedicated to various fish from the Mediterranean Sea, a 150,000 gallon river styled tank dedicated to the preservation of the various Sturgeon species found within the Black Sea, and a Nile River exhibit. This exhibit will include a 5,000 gallon tank housing such fish as the Nile Perch and African Arowana, two relatively small desert tanks housing the Saharan Horned Viper and Egyptian Cobra, a small enclosed pond home to a handful of cichlids and the Egyptian Goose, and finally a Nile Crocodile river tank.

Room Two: This room is dedicated to providing a means for some retail therapy to be done. Offering a wide variety of goods from standard giftshop fare to snake proof boots for those harsh desert trails to assorted sporting and outdoors goods. Premium fishing rods and tackle available alongside 4x4s and pontoon boats, this room will have it all for natives and foreigners alike. Taxidermized fish and land animals will make up some of the decor, allowing guests to get a better appreciation for the beauty of nature while remaining within a retail environment. Customer service will be key.

Room Three: Known as Mike's Grill, this room is slated to be a dedicated restaurant and as such will be the smallest of the rooms. With seating for up to 250 guests, this family and budget friendly venue will make extensive use of local ingredients, be they flora or fauna, and will keep down the cost of anything that must be imported. A vertical coral reef tank will make up the centerpiece of the room, with all tables being arranged so as to get good looks. Both live lobster and crab tanks will be available in order for the customer to pick out which they want and to guarantee freshness. Most allergens and diets can be accommodated for, reserve in advance to ensure a seat

Room Four: Located within this "room" is in fact 50 more, smaller rooms. Designed as a small hotel to accommodate our foreign guests and dignitaries, these premium suites are only available if reserved in advance, and cost a pretty penny to stay in. Outfitted with the finest Osiran cotton sheets and pillows money can buy, each suite room is host to a king sized bed, mini fridge, and complete bath. (both shower and tub included yet separate.) The mini fridge can be stocked with anything requested during the reservation process, but if nothing is specified it will be host to a local Osiran white wine and 2oz container of locally farmed Osiran salmon roe.

Moving on at last to the final, original 1/3, this section will be off limits to any and all guests most of the year. Any guests caught attempting to make entrance illegally will be apprehended by the trained security personnel of Orłowski Security and Renovations' private security wing. The following information is off limits to those without the appropriate level security clearance.
Room Five: Within this final, secret room comprising the entire bottom 1/3 of the pyramid lies a dark and ancient secret that we here at Orłowski Security and Renovations must keep locked away down there. For within these catacombs lives a creature we native Mghnbians call a "Wieszczy". Our elite spetsoperatsiya 'Vityaz' have been able to weaken this creature significantly, allowing our engineers to force it into just one quarter of the room thanks to the ingenious use of tripwire incendiary traps and lead lined walls. Foreign dignitaries escorted by men of 'Vityaz' are allowed down at limited times of the year in an attempt to study this monster. To date there is no known method of dispatching the Wieszczy, however explosives and silver bullets have yet to be used due to cost prohibition, the inability to mask the noise, and the unknown structural stability of this pyramid if explosives get involved.
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Re: Campaign for a Pyramid

Post by Dragonian Alliance »

Draco's Proposal: Draco will dedicate the pyramid to himself and the adventurer's of Osiris. Over the vast eons, Draco has played the part of Overlord, Tyrant, Dark Lord, Interstellar Trader, and Guardian. As such, many treasures have been plundered across the multiverse. The pyramid will serve as a vault for a fraction of this wealth. As it is pilfered, it will steadily be renewed from the vast hoards scattered and hidden about Osiris.

Pyramid Name: Pyramis Draconis (colloquially known as the Dragon's Tomb)

Pyramid Appearance: The pyramid will at first be recorded in its entirety with the scans uploaded for the posterity of all Osiris. The walls will be refurbished with Black Marble, quarried from Tyre. With the assistance of the Tethysi Embassy on Tyre, the Marble is infused with the Arcane Magic of Arx and the Narrative Technology of the Tethysi, in exchange for letting teams of Tethysi test out the dungeon and its narrative. The hieroglyphs that line the wall will glow an arcane red, detailing the narrative of the dungeon within as well as providing clues as to how to safely navigate the pyramid. Per the assigned rules, the dungeon will be divided into five main rooms connected by a labyrinth.

Room Specifics:

---Main Hallway: The door to the main hallway will be the center door on the east side of the pyramid. The two remaining doors on the east and the three doors on the north, south, and west respectively will be false doors, prone to collapse, and look like a legitimate entrance in all regards. All doors, real and fake will be untended and left to the mercy of the sands of Osiris. The hall way will twist and turn and divide forming a labyrinth. The floor of the labyrinth will have a painted red, blue, green, and purple path that leads and twists with purpose through the catacombs. It is unknown if the paths are relevant to anything within the dungeon, a set of markings, or a trap themselves. Ways into the five rooms can be accessed from this hallway, though some doors may be hidden and require a clever mind to open. Most of the inner workings will be known only to the chief architects and engineers and most of the narrative pertaining to the tomb will be known only to the chief writer, but the doors to the pyramid will be open to any who desire to venture into the Dragon's Tomb.

---Secondary tunnels: The pyramid will be interconnected with a series of secondary tunnels a small child will have trouble squeezing through, but will be the perfect size for a special breed of Kobold.

---Room 1 The Kobold Warren: This room will house the dungeon's Kobold infestation. It will serve as a barracks and meeting place for the roughly three hundred sixty-five Kobolds in the pyramid and their one hundred twenty-eight children and twenty one dire weasels. It would be more accurate to call this room a series of catacombs that widen, narrow, and diverge at multiple points. It should also be pointed out that each Kobold will have set up a trap they consider a pet project in this room.

---Room 2 The Throne Room: This room will be a large rectangular throne room held up by thirteen pillars. Six pillars on either side of the central nave and the final resting behind the golden throne. Each pillar will spawn a spectral warrior from history, except the Throne's Pillar. The Throne's Pillar would spawn the spectral simulacrum of an ancient king of Arranor, wielding twin great swords. With each warrior slain, the pillar will reform the warrior at the behest of a magical bell hidden in the room.

---Room 3 The Chapel: The room will resemble a small temple with pews, painted frescoes, and an altar. Two doors will stand beside the altar, both lead to a small five by five room with no notable features. Returning from either room will irrevocably change the individual. Repeated use of the doors will teleport the individual to a random location in the dungeon. After a set amount of time, the room will seal and gas will fill the room from pipes located under the pews.

---Room 4 The Crypt: The room will resemble a small tomb fit for low ranking nobility. It will house three sarcophagi made of jade, gold, and wood respectively. The room will seal if they are disturbed outside the order depicted on the walls. The room will also house a single chest made of Ancient Oak. It will be extremely heavy and resistant to fire. It will have three locks outwardly made of iron, copper, and something unseen respectively. The chest will have no hinges and be seamless weighing four hundred kilograms when empty.

---Room 5 The Vault: This is the goal of the dungeon. It is a large circular room housing a golden cube that serves as the Vault. A massive draconic skull lies in the center of a vast hoard of gold, silver, jewels, art, and other such treasures. After solving a daily changing riddle, finding the various keys scattered about the dungeon, and convincing the Demi-Dracolich Guardian of your worth, the door to the suspended Vault will open to allow the adventurers entrance. Once inside they will have their pick of three items Draco has acquired across the multiverse before being teleported safely to the entrance of the Pyramid with a Certificate of Completion.

Location: The Pyramid will ominously rest upon the open dunes of Osiris, overlooking the majestic Nile as it flows into the waters of Tethys.
The Dragon Who Flies Over The Pyramids
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Re: Campaign for a Pyramid

Post by Skies »

This Pyramid is called The Storage Facility, and is located underground in an NYC sewer. Do not question how it fits there. It is covered in sewer goop and for some reason, seaweed. It probably used to be yellowish, but at this point it's turned a sickly green on the parts you can see.
The Menagerie
- a living equivalent of a representative of each past pharaoh is here
- very rowdy place
- proceed in at your own risk
- is that an acTuaL staR
- OSHA Violation pt.1
The Forbidden Room
- it is filled with sand.
- all sand.
- we do not go in there.
- possibly an OSHA violation? no one's survived long enough inside to actually confirm.
The Hall of Treasures
- contains treasures *ahem* acquired by members of the Sekhmet Legion and also treasured objects left to keep safe by citizenry.
- shiny gold walls
- is that a rock?
- no that's literally just a rock.
- .....who put a rock in here?
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Re: Campaign for a Pyramid

Post by Cretanja »

Congratulations to Mike for winning the newly rediscovered pyramid! :D
🦉 Priest Guardian Deputy Scribe Sekhmet Legionnaire Vizier of Community Affairs Avowed Master of the Temple of Nun Self Proclaimed Lord Protector of Owls Worldwide
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