Pax Borea: Behind the Scenes
This is a short story based on discord RP between myself and Miska, concerning the nations of Rome Egypt and Ariana and Karelignia
Ptolemais Suebiorum, Suebia
“I welcome thee to Ptolemais Suebiorum, my Imperatrix,” Antonius Suebicus greeted her with a slight bow of his head, as she walked off the gangplank. A little too slight. The Hegemon of Germania and Suebia chose to speak in Latin rather than Koiné, and the empress noticed as the commander her Companion Cavalry Arthakhshatr Bāzrang, who was a Persian and spoke little Latin, shot him sharp glance. Anari, commander of the Kushite Shield Maidens, was much better in controlling her temper and her face would seem an unreadable mask to anyone who did not know her well; but Cleopatra Rhodogyne have known the captain of her “Amazon Guards” for long enough to see that the woman was tense ready to draw her sword any moment.
“I greet thee as well, my friend Antonius,” she offered the man in front of her a pleasant smile, which was meant as much for his benefit as for that of her attendants; to make it clear she intended no confrontation.
“I hope you had an agreeable voyage?” Suebicus inquired.
“As agreeable as could be expected,” the Cleopatra Rhodogyne shrugged dismissively. Agreeable was hardly the appropriate word; the journey from Caesarea to Ptolemais Suebiorum was long and tiresome. Her own great war dromons could only sail up the Ister as far as the Iron Gate where the empress and her retinue had to board smaller river galleys. Those would take them as far as Carnuntum; this portion of the river even had a different name – it was called Danubius. From there they had to travel overland to Budorigum, where the party could finally board river barges on the Suebus that would take them downstream to Ptolemais – the metropolis of the Borean Sea. Yet there was nothing to be done – sailing through the Pillars of Hercules around the coasts of Hispania and Gaul would have taken at least twice as long.
“I am pleased to hear that, Imperatrix,” Suebicus smiled, seeming not to notice her sarcasm. “As far as I can judge, there should be about five thousand man on those barges. I assume more troops are underway?”
“There shall be no more troops!” she cut him off. “The 7th Egyptian Legion and my Companion Cavalry is all I require for my intent.”
“But Imperatrix!” Antonius blinked. “Did you not read my reports? I wrote to you that this King Miska has invaded northern Venedia. Your cousin Philip Cotys requested my aid, but even with our forces combined, we were unable to repel him. For Jupiter’s sake, this man even proclaimed himself ‘imperator’, which is an outright affront to you and your deceased sire!”
It was an outright affront to me and my deceased sire, who considered you his best friend, when you refused to aid me in crushing the rebellion in Rome, she mused to herself, but did not say it aloud – Suebicus was still a capable general and he was very popular in the Northern Provinces; she could not afford to make him her enemy… not yet, at least. “Do you suggest that I should throw all my legions to defend these barren frostlands and let the Seres overrun your brother Julus in India?” she asked pointedly.
“Only five more legions, Imperatrix,” Suebicus replied. “That should be enough.”
“I simply cannot afford another war right now,” the empress frowned. “Not after the Seres have sunk half of our Indian fleet at Sabara with their new stone-spitting tubes; not after Julus has lost three quarters of his army in Calinga and had to run for his life with his tail between his legs! But this Miska is no longer your concern, Suebicus. I shall deal with this situation personally, my own way!”
“And may I ask how you intend to do it, Imperatrix?” the hegemon smirked.
“You may,” Cleopatra Rhodogyne shrugged. “And I shall answer you, even though I am under no obligation do so.”
“I am intrigued,” Suebicus smirked.
“You did mention in your last report that this Miska was so bold to invite you to his royal wedding, didn’t you?” she smiled.
“But this just another affront to us!” the man frowned.
“Affront or not, I intend to make the best of it,” the empress’ smile widened into a grin. “It is my right as your suzerain to attend in your stead – and this is just what I intend to do. Sometimes, proper diplomacy can be just as effective as a military campaign.”
* * *
Grönholm, Karelignia
a few days later
From Ptolemais she sailed to Dunaportus with all her strength, but left all her legionaries and most of the Companions, retaining only a small honor escort. Many would consider this a gamble … but somehow, the empress knew she was in no danger; it was almost as if the Gods were guiding her. Perhaps they were…
At the pier she was greeted by Emperor Miska himself and the few phrases they exchanged told her that this was a reasonable man; a man with whom she could negotiate. She was genuinely impressed by the quality of lodging provided to the Romano-Egyptian delegation; to tell the truth, she did not really expect to find this level of civilization in these frozen lands. As the day of the wedding came, she donned her most exquisite gown, but chose only to wear a subtle diadem with a figurine of a rearing cobra on her head.
She watched the ceremony intently. The bride was quite beautiful and, on some level, Cleopatra Rhodogyne envied her youth. But then, she was still more than confident of her own charms; she had the benefit of the years of experience, the finest education the world had to offer and myriads of gold staters in her possession. As the ceremony ended, she gave a slight nod of her head to her attendants and, at once, four young slaves came forward carrying an impressive gilded chest.
“My congratulation, Emperor!” she proclaimed. “These are my gifts to you, the finest things the lands of Rome, Egypt and Ariana have to offer.”
“Thank you very much! We appreciate this!” Miska acknowledged.
“And those four able-bodied slaves are also my gift to you, by the way,” she offered a broad charming smile. She already knew there was no slavery in Karelignia, but she decided to allow herself this extravagancy nevertheless.
“Ah, thank you! Although Slavery is Forbidden in Karelignia (as it could get Karelignians themselves to slavery through many unfortunate ways), I am sure to find them work in some way.” Miska replied.
Cleopatra Rhodogyne shrugged, donning an indifferent expression on her face. “They are yours to do as you please, Emperor. Set them free if you will.”
“Hmm, let's see. But thank you again!” Miska acknowledged “This is also a good show to all Karelignians of the Equality in our state. By steel and flesh, Karelignians are the one same Nation, and Shall be treated as one. And my people deserve the better treatment, but my Yuri deserves the best treatment.”
“Obviously, since she is your Empress now,” Cleopatra Rhodogyne beamed broadly. He seamed to be a good open-minded man and his admiration for his new wife was mostly commendable. She actually liked the man a lot. He was much younger than her, of course, and he just got married to a beautiful young woman… but the Imperatrix knew that her feminine charms could still be as deadly as her sword if she decided to use them and perhaps, she would one day. Arthakhshathr would be jealous, for sure – but that would be his own problem; she has made it perfectly from day one that even if they occasionally shared a bed would not change the fact that she was still his suzerain and he was still her vassal. She owed him nothing.
There was a big banquet after the ceremony. The food was excellent and the ale was even better, but it did not distract the Empress of Rome and Egypt from her objective. As she noticed Miska getting up from the table and heading outside, probably for some fresh air, she followed. She instructed her attendants to stay behind.
“Ah, such a lovely evening, is it not?” she smiled as she caught up with him outside the palace.
“It is,” he agreed.
“I was thinking…” she mused. “The only thing which poses an obstacle to our lasting friendship is North Venedia. But I have an offer for you: I have no claims to the lands north of the River Neva and Borean Sea and Caledonia… If we can agree to establish the border along this line, I would support your claim to those lands. What do you say?”
“I’ll have to think about this and consult with the Empress,” Miska replied.
“Of course, Emperor,” Cleopatra Rhodogyne smiled.
Miska approached her a short time later. “I have consulted with my Dear, we can do that,” he told her.
“Excellent,” the Empress of Rome and Egypt smiled broadly. “Then we have an agreement. I shall have my scribes prepare a draft of the treaty at once. We shall call it Pax Borea, if you agree?”
“Sounds good enough,” Miska acknowledged.
“It is settled then,” she smiled again. “Here is to the peace and prosperity of our empires!” She raised her goblet.
Pax Borea - Nation RP
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Pax Borea - Nation RP
Post by Julia Cleopatra »
Last edited by Julia Cleopatra on Sat Aug 24, 2019 2:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Her Divine Majesty Julia Cleopatra Rhodogyne Caesar Argeade; Empress of Rome and Egypt; Queen of Kings of the Parthians and all Aryans; Great Queen of the Macedonians and all Hellens; Queen of Babylon and Assyria; Lady of Asia, Arabia and India; She of the Sedge and Bee; Lady of the Two Lands; Qor and Candace of Kush; Daughter of Jupiter/Zeus/Rê
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Wed May 08, 2019 2:02 pm
Re: Pax Borea - Nation RP
Post by Karelignia »
Oi hei!

The Emperor of the Empire of Karelignia and her Imperial Domains, the Protector of Karelignians, the Head of the auf Karelignia Dynasty
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