Revocation of Honors

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Revocation of Honors

Post by Altino »

Osiris -

On one of my many quests across the forum in search of new or old information/practices that we may find useful in our current state of affairs, I took a glance at the current titleholders of Osiris' Honors and Peerage. While I must admit that all of the recipients of these honors were without a doubt deserving at the time, I feel that a few of them are no longer appropriate honors to be held. For that reason, I am hereby revoking the following Honors:

Adytus, Baron of Buhen. Adytus was granted his Peerage during a Pharaoh's Day festival for his service as Chief Vizier. However, he is no longer a member of this region. This isn't to say that all former-citizens should have their honors revoked, I don't believe that would be fair, but the way that Adytus departed the region doesn't instill any feelings of "honor" in me. During our Constitutional Convention under the Scroll of Ma'at, Adytus gathered a clique of friends and attempted to force the our current constitution - the Scroll of Horus - to fail by technicality and extend the constitutional convention until his demands were met. When faced with backlash, Adytus and his group changed Osiris' WFE to announce their departure, and defected to Lazarus. I have no qualms with Adytus as a person, but his behavior is not deserving of any Peerage in Osiris. His status is revoked.

Tim Stark, Violet Jewel of Atum. Tim was nominated by Cormac to receive the Violet Jewel of Atum - Osiris' highest honor, awarded for longtime, outstanding overall achievements in Osiris. I don't have any room or desire to say that Tim's contributions to Osiris and specifically to the creation of the Osiris Fraternal Order weren't deserving of this high honor at the time. It would be easy to propagandize against him, but I don't have it in me to be unreasonable about things, and he has reasonably been an asset to Osiris' growth in the past. In the present, though, Tim's presence in the region is ill-intentioned at best, dangerous at worst. Tim consistently antagonizes Osiris and is now considered Persona Non Grata following a discussion that you can find here. Considering his current status with the Osiran government, it is no longer appropriate for him to simultaneously hold Osiris' highest honor. His status is revoked.

Brunhilde, Eye of Horus. Brunhilde was also nominated by Cormac to become the first ever recipient of Osiris' Eye Of Horus - awarded for outstanding service in Foreign or WA Affairs - for his work in CAIN (the Coalition Against the Ideology of Nazism). In its day, CAIN was indeed a worthy organization, bringing players from all sides of NationStates together to put aside their difference and fight together against Nazism, and Brunhilde was indeed a leading factor behind CAIN's success. However, Brunhilde was eventually discovered to have been lying about his identity and using this deception to get personal and political favors out of the deal. The most harrowing of Brunhilde's actions included use of his female persona to build trust with female players, which he would then use to create an intimate relationship between them. He left no apology or explanation for his actions, only admitted in a single sentence that the evidence against him was true, then vanished. Dishonesty about one's personal identity on NationStates is unpleasant to be discovered, but not necessarily damaging. Using that deception in order to gain political, personal, or especially sexual favors, however, will earn you no place of honor in this region. His status is extremely revoked.

Following these revocations, I hope to see my fellow Osirans step up to the plate and earn Honors and Peerages of their own. Only 6 of the now 15 titleholders of all honors in Osiris are current citizens, and I'm not satisfied with that. Our current citizens are very talented and very worthy of praise when they put their minds to it. I hope to see big things from you all and have the great honor of writing you into Osiran History.

Everyone please review our update Hall of Honors here.
Altino Asteorra
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Revocation of Honors

Post by PowerPAOK »

I read this at 5:48 am: is that deserving of official recognition?

Also, I support these decisions. It's good to review uh... I'm too tired to think but just know that I support this action.

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Revocation of Honors

Post by Overthinkers »

All these revocations seem perfectly reasonable and fair.

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Revocation of Honors

Post by Badger »

Solid decision! Hail Altino!
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Revocation of Honors

Post by Thomas Insaniac »

No real qualms about this, Adytus is practically a traitor, Tim is an actual traitor, and Brunhilde is Brunhilde, nothing to say there.

Peerage and Honours are just that, Honours. They are not rights, they can and should be taken away when the recipients act against the well-beings and interest of their home region.
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Revocation of Honors

Post by Dalimbar »

Hail Altino! The Pharaoh giveth and the Pharaoh taketh away. This is the right course of action.
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Revocation of Honors

Post by Djer »

I'm over there —> Djer the droid of Ali Ababwa
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Revocation of Honors

Post by Benjabobaria »

Good thing these terrible people had their honors revoked!
The Lord Benja Karimi
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“Altino” wrote:The number of "Benja this is amazing, I love it!!!" conversations and also "Benja wtf were you thinking, you're ruining my life" conversations we've had go so hard.
Zizou wrote:it's the natives fault for getting beat the fuck up by raiders because the founder cted or they were dumb enough to make the del exec
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Revocation of Honors


This seems like a logical course of action. I approve.
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Revocation of Honors

Post by Altino »

Altino Asteorra
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris
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