[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Sygian »


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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Cormac »

His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Wrektopia »

Ryan "Wrek It" Rahl, son of dAdytus
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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Tiber Septim »


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Kylia Quilor
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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Kylia Quilor »

Kylia Basilissa Regina Quilor Anacreoni
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.
Unfocused populism is just as dangerous, if not more so, to a Republic's survival as creeping authoritarianism.
Tell people how you feel, honestly and frankly. If you like someone, tell them. If you don't like them, tell them - the world would be a better place if we all knew where we stood.
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I sometimes suspect that [Kylia] Quilor is here to harvest the tears of young, ambitious nations. - The Bruce
O how much we have missed your cynicism [Kylia]. :p - Zaolat
I'm so happy you're back but you're also crushing my dreams - Sopo
You carry an interesting dichotomy about yourself - a mix of fiery passion and cool reservation that both intrigues and concerns me. -Trinnien
Kylia is the neighbor at the end of the street that you don't want to mess with during petunia season. -Cat

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  • “We need someone like [her] to keep us from flying too close to the sun”
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Weast Jurmany
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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Weast Jurmany »

- ((Jur))
WreK'd Wrektopia 2/20/2017
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Neo Kervoskia
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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Neo Kervoskia »

Edit: I am ineligible to vote as a member of the Council of Priests.
Griffin X
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The Atlae Isles
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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by The Atlae Isles »

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[Passed] Constitutional Convention Amendment

Post by Syberis »

With 16 votes Aye and 0 Nay, This amendment passes and will be brought to the Pharaoh for Assent.


I assent.
Greyghost wrote:Just because you're cute doesn't mean you're not suspicious <_<
Chalice wrote:Comrade Syberis was talking about the joys of Osirian Fraternity.
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