[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Adytus »

[justify]Security Council Resolution #122 “Condemn Gest” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

The Security Council,

Recognizing the nation of Gest as one of the highest-ranking officers of The Black Riders and DEN, two of the most notorious raider organizations in the history of NationStates, where they executed thousands of raids from a period of 2011 to 2016, which led to Gest being condemned under Security Council Resolution #122;

Noting Gest’s extensive involvement with Predator, an extremely powerful military weapon later found to be in contravention of international law;

Shocked that during an investigation of Predator, Gest encouraged others involved with the program not to confess their involvement with Predator in order to avoid sanctions;

Remembering the events of April 2016, in which the Predator scandal resulted in the sudden obliteration of the region of DEN and the nation of Gest, among others, along with extensive World Assembly-sanctions being placed on many world leaders, including the leader of Gest, who received a one-year ban from joining the World Assembly under any nation, effectively prohibiting them from raiding;

Believing that it is improper to reward Gest for their leadership when several raids under their watch were executed using the Predator superweapon, which demonstrated no mercy for the innocent nations affected by these brutal invasions;

Aware that since many raiders treat condemnations as a reward, allowing Gest to retain their condemnation for raids that occurred using dishonourable methods is effectively rewarding them for their misdeeds;

Disgusted by Gest’s cruel actions towards other raider aligned nations, leading to the alienation and eventual defection of several nations;

Reasoning that since The Black Riders and DEN will continue to be defunct organizations that broke international law which led to their obliteration, and Gest has effectively been blacklisted from prominent raider organizations such as The Black Hawks, they no longer pose a threat to regional security or the innocent nations of the world;

Hereby repeals Security Council Resolution #122.[/justify]
The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Adytus »

The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Antiochus »

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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Cormac »

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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Atlantica »

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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Transdavisia »


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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Rallori »

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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Magnus Krimson »


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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Weast Jurmany »

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[Passed] Repeal "Condemn Gest"

Post by Altino »

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