Arda En' Estel: July Update

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Theio Altherio
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Arda En' Estel: July Update

Post by Theio Altherio »

[color=red][u][big][center]Consulate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b] Consul of the Interior[/b]:[url=]Emerstari[/url] [b]Consul of Foreign Affairs[/b]: [url=]Theio Altherio[/url] [b]Consul of Culture[/b]: [url=]Rarry Riket[/url][/center] [color=red][u][big][center]Tribunal[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b]Tribune[/b]: [url=]Lil La Luna[/url][/center] [c][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][big]"For the Hreater Good"[/big][/i] [b]Population[/b]: 165 nations [b]WA Delegate[/b]: [url=]Elvennai[/url] [/center] [c][color=red][u][big][center]Senate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center] [b]Speaker[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand (TAP)[/url] [url=]Lil La Luna (AUoCWSE)[/url] [url=]Drall (AUoCWSE)[/url] [url=]Emerstari (VP)[/url] [url=]Sacul Astoria (TAP)[/url] [/center]

Arda Episode XII: Summer Is Coming In July 2017 ARDA?! UK?! FESTIVAL?! What are You...K on about?! - Rarry Riket
Earlier this month the Arda-UK Festival kicked off with a bang! no... Literally, it kicked off with a bang... two planes crashed onto an island!

With members from Arda en' Estel on Coronet Airlines 336, and the Brits on Flight 4554, the two teams separated at first, but now, they are being chased by Carnivourous Coconuts, and the lousy brits keep trying to steal our food! It's alright though, because we're hitting them back in the Attack of the Estelians thread! Woohoo! Go the Awesome Ardanians! Go the Excellent Estelians! Go the Marvellous Mystics! Go the Cool Cogs!

Anyway, the festival shows a great number of posts, and the runway train... or plane, as the case may be, of posts doesn't seem to be slowing! We Are The Senate - Theio Altherio
It's been a busy old month for our Senators. Nine entirely new bills were presented on the Senate floor, of which the Senate Records Act and Senate Standing Orders have been introduced as standalone legislation and Constitutional Amendment V has been passed, introducing to Arda en' Estel the previously alien concept of Vicarius (Deputy) Consuls. Additionally, the Estelian Diplomacy Act got resurrected from the coffin of red tape and was passed into law as well. The new Senatorial team elected last month have decidedly proven their mettle, and will continue to do a fantastic job. When I Hear The Word Culture I Reach For My Keyboard- Theio Altherio
Cultural activity in the region has not been confined solely to the Arda-UK Festival however. The Hreat Library continues to take in new entries, with Emerstari and Theio Altherio adding more long-form fiction and poetry respectively. Arda University has reopened for education, with a new practical class available for those wishing to learn how to use a laboratory - more teachers are always welcome. There's ever more events going on in the houses on Maple Lane, including at least one impromptu concert.

But perhaps most importantly, the NationStates: Arda RP has finally started. For those looking to get in on the ground of some present-day roleplay, it's a perfect opportunity to get stuck in. Whatever Floats Your Vote - Theio Altherio
Election season came upon Arda en' Estel again, as it does for us all, in the form of Minor Elections VI, where all three Consuls were up for re-election, along with the Senate seats held by Rarry Riket and Theio Altherio. Only the Culture Consulate stood uncontested, as Rarry Riket was once again returned unopposed to the post. The Foreign Consulate saw a contest much like last time - a landslide for incumbent Theio Altherio against perennial contender Rarry Riket - but elsewhere it proved to be an interesting election.

The voting for Interior Consul saw three contenders - incumbent Sacul Astoria, candidate last time around Emerstari, and memorable neophyte Nacho Moxy - run in what proved to be a nail-biter, as Emerstari clinched it by a single vote ahead of Sacul Astoria. It's not a complete loss of continuity - Emerstari was Interior Aedile previously, so will be able to bring his experience there into the role. The Senate, meanwhile, saw five people stand, with both incumbents running again against hopeful returnees Sacul Astoria and Lil La Luna as well as Nacho Moxy on his Mexican crusade. As it was, a low turnout saw Lil pass the first hurdle, with Theio then proceeding to lose the run-off against fellow second-placer Sacul Astoria in a landslide. The new (and current in some cases) team are sure to serve just as well as their predecessors (including themselves) did last month. NEWSFLASHES
Avatar Contest #9 won by a British pineapple - region in shock
Sacul Astoria and Drissea Riket appointed Vicarius Consuls of the Interior and Foreign Affairs. All articles attributed; edited by Theio Altherio.
For the Hreater Good!
Senator of Arda en' Estel: April 2017 - June 2017; September 2017 - Present
Commissioner of the Avatar Contests: September 2017 - Present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Universal Allegiance: Mar 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Osiris: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Right To Life: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Rejected Realms: May 2017 - present
Tribune of Arda en' Estel: July 2017 - September 2017
Consul of Foreign Affairs for Arda en' Estel: May 2017 - September 2017
Disclaimer: The views and opinions held by Theio Altherio are not my own.
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Arda En' Estel: July Update

Post by Kowassati »

Another great looking update, thanks :D
Bucket full of blood, gotcha on my mind
I'm gonna break my face on the sweet sunshine

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