Arda en' Estel: June Update

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Theio Altherio
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Arda en' Estel: June Update

Post by Theio Altherio »

[color=red][u][big][center]Consulate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b] Consul of the Interior[/b]: [url=]Sacul Astoria[/url] [b]Consul of Foreign Affairs[/b]: [url=]Theio Altherio[/url] [b]Consul of Culture[/b]: [url=]Rarry Riket[/url][/center] [color=red][u][big][center]Tribunal[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b]Tribune[/b]: [url=]Lil La Luna[/url][/center] [c][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][big]"For the Hreater Good"[/big][/i] [b]Population[/b]: 210 nations [b]WA Delegate[/b]: [url=]Elvennai[/url] [/center] [c][color=red][u][big][center]Senate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center] [b]Speaker[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand (TAP)[/url] [url=]Lil La Luna (AUoCWSE)[/url] [url=]Drall (AUoCWSE)[/url] [url=]Rarry Riket (TAP)[/url] [url=]Theio Altherio (Ind)[/url] [/center]

Arda Episode XI: A New Dawn June 2017 Admin, Admout, Adshake it all about - Theio Altherio
You may remember from our previous update that three of our admins resigned or announced their resignation last month. After extensive consultation, Siegfried Tyrus and Sacul Astoria announced their nominated replacements, who were put before the Popular Assembly and approved unanimously. Soon after this, Siegfried, Sacul, and Vixy all formally handed over their admin powers and now Arda en' Estel has a wholly new administrative team. Akillian Talleyrand, Jazzy, Narcissus Astoria, and Drissea Evanei Riket have the full support of the region and they, together with our new Discord admin Lil La Luna, shall continue the efficient management of the region. A Surprisingly Foreign Affair - Theio Altherio
The resignation of Aynia, who up until that point had been Arda en' Estel's only Foreign Consul, left a large question hanging over the region's head. Aynia had been Foreign Consul ever since the region's founding, and nobody else had run for the post beforehand, deeming it fit to leave matters in her capable hands. With her gone, it was unclear who would be able to continue her work - and so, for the first time ever in the region's history, there was a contested Foreign Consulate election. Regional stalwart and attempted wearer of multiple hats Rarry Riket faced off against perennial Senate candidate Theio Altherio, the most active member to have joined in 2017, in a contest that promised to be close but proved to be a landslide for unexpected winner Theio Altherio.

It has not been long since his election, yet the broom has been active. Aynia and Vixy had both resigned all their ambassadorial posts and these were redistributed to other willing citizens. All regions that have embassies with us have had the favour reciprocated. And despite the mess inherited, entirely new diplomatic relationships have been formed with Greater Diendstad, Hellenic Empire, and The Rejected Realms, a trend that the Foreign Consul hopes will continue. Can't LEAF It Alone - Theio Altherio
One of the many posts that needed refilling this month after Aynia left the region was that of Warmaster of LEAF, Arda's military. Her replacement as Foreign Consul, Theio Altherio, was left with the task of picking a new one from LEAF's sadly shrunken roster. In the end, he picked the only member who wasn't also either an admin or a consul, Gabrielis Telchuri, as the new Warmaster of LEAF. Gabrielis' mandate is one of recruitment and reorganisation, which he has gone about with gusto. A new ranking system has been introduced, modelled on that of the mid-republican Polybian legions, and a new recruitment push has been started for LEAF, which has already seen people volunteering to join. Making the Library Hreat Again- Rarry Riket

A massive increase in Cultural activity occurred this month, but it didn't come from the culture consulate, it came from the people of Arda en' Estel. Emerstari introduced such titles as 'The Survivor', 'The Constitution of Arda', 'The Government of Arda en' Estel', and 'The Hreater Good'; whilst Theio Altherio added some poetry to the collection, in the form of Run. These are quite good to read, if you want to find out about their respective subjects.

Other entries into the Hreat Library include 'Consuls of the Consulates' by Sacul Astoria, an updated 'Senators of the Senate' by Sacul Astoria, and 'Legislative History of the Senate' by Akillian Talleyrand, who have been very active and very awesome members, since the day they set foot on Estelian soil. We hope to see more of these fantastic Estelians writing up books for the Hreat Library. Anyone who wishes to read any of the books mentioned here, can go to the Hreat Library, where you will find a list of all the books to read.
If Your Election Lasts More Than Two Rounds... - Theio Altherio
In addition to the Foreign Consul by-election earlier this month, there were also a set of regularly scheduled elections, this time for the post of Tribune as well as three Senate seats. Lil La Luna was returned unopposed to the Tribunal, but with four candidates running for three Senate seats the region's electoral efforts found a safe exhaust. Akillian Talleyrand, Lil La Luna, and Drall all stood for relection, and were joined by ambitious neophyte Emerstari in what promised to be a close race.

And by God was it a close race. The first round saw an unprecendented three candidates tied for second place on 7 votes, as Akillian was returned to the Senate on 9. For the first time ever, a run-off round had to be held, with three candidates chasing two posts in a contest that proved to be just as close as the first, as Emerstari narrowly overtook Lil La Luna to join the Senate for the first time in a 3-way contest split 5-5-4. The new team will take up office soon as the Tenth Session of the Senate commences. NEWSFLASHES
Emerstari appointed as Aedile of Foreign Affairs with specific responsibility for scouting regions we may wish to extend ties to.
Narcissus Astoria added to the List of Ambassadors; has taken up postings in Equilism and Hellenic Empire.
ExaltedToast also appointed as an Ambassador.
Avatar Contest rebooted under new Commissioner Theio Altherio - this month's theme is Steampunk.
Four new businesses opened in the Old Market - news agency The Estelian, Coronet Airlines, The Singles Pub, and AEA Altherio Estate Agents
Treaty between Arda en' Estel and the United Kingdom approved.
Fourth and Fifth Amendment to the Constitution proposed. All articles attributed; edited by Theio Altherio.
For the Hreater Good!
Senator of Arda en' Estel: April 2017 - June 2017; September 2017 - Present
Commissioner of the Avatar Contests: September 2017 - Present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Universal Allegiance: Mar 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Osiris: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Right To Life: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Rejected Realms: May 2017 - present
Tribune of Arda en' Estel: July 2017 - September 2017
Consul of Foreign Affairs for Arda en' Estel: May 2017 - September 2017
Disclaimer: The views and opinions held by Theio Altherio are not my own.
Theio Altherio
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon May 15, 2017 12:00 am

Arda en' Estel: June Update

Post by Theio Altherio »

Of course - a lot of this will be significantly out of date, but rest assured that the next update will be coming in around two weeks.
Senator of Arda en' Estel: April 2017 - June 2017; September 2017 - Present
Commissioner of the Avatar Contests: September 2017 - Present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Universal Allegiance: Mar 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Osiris: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to Right To Life: May 2017 - present
Ambassador from Arda en' Estel to The Rejected Realms: May 2017 - present
Tribune of Arda en' Estel: July 2017 - September 2017
Consul of Foreign Affairs for Arda en' Estel: May 2017 - September 2017
Disclaimer: The views and opinions held by Theio Altherio are not my own.
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Arda en' Estel: June Update

Post by Kowassati »

Amazing update, thanks! I'll be looking forward to it :D
Bucket full of blood, gotcha on my mind
I'm gonna break my face on the sweet sunshine

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