[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Sygian »

Nay. It's their body, people should be able to do what they want to it. I know that sounds harsh, but we don't need prisons full of people that are there just for smoking marijuana. (I know it's not about marijuana but you get my point.) Victimless crimes shouldn't be a thing either.

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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Adytus »

[justify]Hello Adytus, I sent a telegram to all the delegates who voted against the Resolution at vote: "Regulation of Tobacco." I will share with you the telegram, which includes all my reasons and arguments.

Esteemed Delegate Adytus,

I would like to make a direct appeal to you to try and convince you to change your vote from ‘Against’ to ‘For,’ on the resolution at vote entitled ‘Regulation of Tobacco Advertising.’ If I have already contacted you regarding this in the past, feel free to ignore my message, but if you’re willing to hear me out and consider what I have to say, I ask that you take a few minutes and read through the rest of this telegram. Thank you.

There are a number of common themes amongst the opposition to this resolution, I would like to broadly address each commonly used argument in the hopes that I will be able to address your specific concern and reason for voting ‘Against.’ The common arguments and my rebuttals are as follows:

This resolution outlaws Tobacco. - This resolution does not outlaw Tobacco. I understand why people mistakenly think this, the category of the resolution is “Recreational Drug Use/Outlaw,” however, I assure you that this does not outlaw the recreational drug. You see, when I was writing this resolution, I originally went with a “Health/Healthcare” category, but someone familiar with writing GA Resolutions suggested I go with “Recreational Drug Use/Outlaw” instead, since it’s the closest category to regulation of Tobacco Products and their packaging. There is no option for “Recreational Drug Use/Regulate,” so I am forced to go with this current category since it encompasses regulation of recreational drugs. When it comes to GA Resolutions, the substance of the resolution is far more indicative of what it is, rather than the generic categories NS offers.

This resolution will decimate my tobacco industry. - This resolution will most certainly not decimate your tobacco industry. The reason I say this, is because my resolution is pretty much the same exact thing the US did in 1971 regarding the packaging of Tobacco Products. I would like to cite this article here: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... ard-surge/

As you can see, stocks for tobacco companies are actually rising. The idea behind my resolution is to help stop new people from unknowingly starting an addiction that they didn’t know would form due to ignorance about Tobacco health effects, which is exactly what happened back in the mid 1900s (and before) in the US. You might think this would “decimate” tobacco companies, but these companies are actually still making gains despite less young people picking up smoking. It does not negatively affect tobacco industry, since the people they’ve already hooked on their product will stay on it for life and they are still getting young people to start smoking despite having an outright ban on advertising in the United States (My resolution is much more mild, so would have an even smaller effect).

Government regulation leads to tyranny. - I would beg to differ. As I previously showed, this regulation merely puts health warning labels on tobacco products and in no way stops companies from advertising elsewhere or gaining profits. The idea that this will somehow be a slippery slope and lead to nationalising of tobacco industry, or even a ban on tobacco industry is ridiculous. This is just a harmless, mild regulation on the marketing of tobacco products. If you aren’t convinced, just look at real life, I don’t see countries becoming tyrannical by simple regulations on dangerous products.

My region has voted against this resolution as a whole. - You have to understand that the way the WA works is people will jump on the bandwagon of how resolutions appear to be going. This means that if one of the giant delegates decides to oppose a resolution, then people who don’t read the resolutions will simply vote ‘Against’ because it’s ‘not popular.’ When factoring in how your region has voted on this, you have to take into account that your region mates may not have even read the resolution and just went with the way the vote was going. I ask that you talk to your region mates about this and show them my rebuttals, I guarantee you that at least half will consider changing their vote one way or another. Please decide your delegate vote on solid arguments For and Against, not how popular a resolution appears to be.

The resolution wasn’t popular, so I voted with the majority since my votes will only be a drop in the bucket and not matter. - I would know this better than anyone else, every vote matters. Even if your delegacy is just 2 votes, those two votes matter a lot in the success of a resolution. It may not appear to be that way, but as I have watched the trends on this, small delegates as a whole make the ultimate difference. I ask that if you voted Against for this reason, that you consider changing your vote.

Your resolution doesn’t actually do anything. - I would disagree with this argument. Yes, it is not a major regulatory resolution and I likely should have been more punitive, but its effects will be felt and will do their job. Changing the packaging of all tobacco products (aside ones which qualify for a waiver) is somewhat significant in its real life applications and scope. I am merely regulating the marketing of tobacco products to better reflect the reality of their effects, and I believe it does its job.

If your concerns and reasoning for voting ‘Against’ were not covered, please respond to my telegram and I am sure I will be able to address what it is that is bothering you about the resolution. Thank you and I hope I have been able to change your mind on this.

Author of ‘Regulation of Tobacco Advertising’
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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Adytus »

I got this telegram from the author.
The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
Wrek: Adytus is just the personification of 69.
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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Ani The Laquine »

Aye, cause smoking is causes cancer and it only gives the illusion of calming you down threw feeding your Nicotine addiction
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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Transdavisia »

6-5, aye

[11:18:38 PM] Knot: Brihimia wins gold.
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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by jash7 »

Its kinda' topic resembling a coin with two sides...and both sides are in some way justified.

Like...you won't believe...while walking on the street today, one old crap just smoked all that "smoke" right on my face :blink: leaving me in a state of prolonged coughing....That was embarrasing, guys! :huh:
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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Wymondham »

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[Defeated] Regulations on Tobacco Advertising

Post by Weast Jurmany »

- ((Jur))
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