On Constitutional Reform

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Neo Kervoskia
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On Constitutional Reform

Post by Neo Kervoskia »

On Constitutional Reform

Five years ago we ratified the Book of the Dead, Osiris’s first constitution. Though it has long since been repealed, the devisiveness it bred left marks on Osiris that rippled through history.

I do not run from the past, nor do I hide the part I played in creating that divide. As Head Scribe of our first constitutional convention, I was one of the architects of the Book of the Dead - a document which history has deemed toxic and flawed. The former is indisputable, the latter is a misunderstanding. The Book of the Dead functioned precisely as it was designed; to invest power in an oligarchy and bury dissent. It was a constitution built on power, not on trust and when that power was threatened, it self-destructed. For that alone I deserved my exile.

But community is stronger than tyranny. Each time Osiris inched towards the brink, our community came together to rescue us from oblivion. It is our community that makes us powerful, not autocracy. I never wanted to be a tsar, nor did my predecessor, and this constitutional reform will dissolve the absolutism that has followed Osiris since our founding.

Henceforth the Pharaoh will be a head of state and counselor and a symbol of unity, not of power. The Chief Vizier, chosen by the people, will fulfill the great duties of state as Head of His Majesty’s Government.

I look forward to reigning along side my people, rather than ruling over them, and so it is with pride that I affix my signature to this document.

Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Griffin X
Proudly Osiran since 2011
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris
Card-Carrying Member of the Ex-Feeder Tyrants Club
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