[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

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Neo Kervoskia
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Neo Kervoskia »

My Fellow Osirans,

Over the course of our founding five years ago we have grown both as a region and as a community. We have outgrown autocracy and absolutism. The time has come to cede much of the great power invested in the Pharaoh to other offices of state.

For several weeks now the Chief Vizier, the First Guardian, the Crown Prince, and I have been working to draft reforms that will transform Osiris into a truly constitutional monarchy.

The Pharaoh will remain Head of State and World Assembly Delegate, but their role will be to act as a guiding hand to steady the ship and to act as a check and balance.

The Chief Vizier will now assume the role of Head of Government.

The Council of Guardians will resume their role as the security council of Osiris.

The Council of Priests will serve as the judiciary of Osiris, including responsibility for interpretation of our laws and constitution.

I hereby submit these reforms as an amendment to the Scroll of Ma’at for your consideration.
Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Amendment to the Scroll of Ma'at wrote:Scroll of Ma'at Preamble

We, the citizens of the Osiris Fraternal Order, have convened to establish this Scroll of Ma'at as a covenant between us and as the official constitution of the Osiris Fraternal Order, in order to ensure the peace, order, and good governance of our region and its community. It is our hope and our commitment that the government hereby established will foster an active and engaged community built upon a foundation of mutual respect, cooperation, and friendship between us and between all residents of Osiris, present and future.

Article I: Citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order

Section 1: Admission to Citizenship

(1) Any resident of Osiris is eligible to apply for citizenship via the regional forum by providing the name of their nation in Osiris, their World Assembly nation, all regions and organizations with which they are involved at the time of application as well as past regions and organizations, and affirming that they will uphold this constitution and laws enacted pursuant to this constitution.
(2) The Pharaoh is responsible for approving or rejecting citizenship applications within seven days of filing. Citizenship applications neglected for more than seven days will automatically go to vote before the Council of Priests. Procedure for appealing approved or rejected citizenship applications may be established by law.
(3) Citizens admitted to citizenship during or within seven days prior to a scheduled election, or after the initiation of a special election, will not be permitted to vote in that election.
(4) Additional requirements regarding admission to citizenship may be established by law.

Section 2: Revocation of Citizenship

(1) The Chief Vizier or designated Vizier(s) must revoke the citizenship of any citizen whose nation in Osiris voluntarily relocates or ceases to exist.
(2) Additional requirements for maintenance of citizenship may be established by law. Revocation of citizenship for failure to meet such requirements must be equally applied.
(3) The Pharaoh may, with the approval of the Council of Priests, impose suspension or revocation of citizenship to preserve the security and stability of Osiris.

Section 3: Rights of Citizenship

(1) Citizens have the right to vote in the Council of Scribes and in all elections, in accordance with this constitution and provided they maintain citizenship for the duration of voting.
(2) Citizens have the right to stand for election to any elected office, provided they meet the qualifications established by law.
(3) The free exercise of these rights may be limited by forum terms of service, applicable NationStates rules, and laws that reasonably serve to protect the region, its community, or its government.

Article II: Council of Scribes

Section 1: Composition, Procedures, and Power of the Council of Scribes

(1) The Council of Scribes is the legislature of the Osiris Fraternal Order.
(2) The Council of Scribes is comprised of all citizens of the Osiris Fraternal Order.
(3) The Pharaoh, the Crown Prince/Crown Princess, and the Council of Priests will have no vote in the Council of Scribes. The Acting Pharaoh will have no vote in the Council of Scribes for the duration of their service as Acting Pharaoh.
(4) The Council of Scribes has broad legislative power and may enact, amend, or repeal any law with the assent of the Pharaoh.
(5) The Council of Scribes may remove government officials from office by a two-thirds majority vote. The Pharaoh and Crown Prince/Crown Princess may not be removed from office by the Council of Scribes.
(6) The Council of Scribes may ratify and repeal treaties by a two-thirds majority vote and the assent of the Pharaoh.
(7) The Council of Scribes may amend the constitution by a two-thirds majority vote and the assent of the Pharaoh.
(8) A veto by the Pharaoh may be overridden by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council of Scribes and a two-thirds majority vote of the Council of Guardians.
(9) The outcome of any vote of the Council will be determined by tallying the counts for and against. Abstentions may not be used to determine the outcome of any vote.
(10) Unless otherwise noted by this constitution, all votes of the Council of Scribes will be determined by simple majority vote, which is defined as 50%+1.

Section 2: The Office of Chief Scribe

(1) The Chief Scribe is the presiding officer of the Council of Scribes.
(2) The Chief Scribe will be elected by the Council of Scribes to a three-month term.
(3) The Chief Scribe is responsible for presiding over the Council of Scribes according to its rules and procedures. Where no rules exist, the Chief Scribe may exercise discretion in determining procedure. The Chief Scribe will not preside over elections, which will be administered as prescribed by law.

Article III: State and Executive Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Section 1: Pharaoh

(1) The Pharaoh is the Head of State and World Assembly Delegate of the Osiris Fraternal Order.
(2) The Pharaoh will serve until abdication, resignation or expulsion from the World Assembly, or upon ceasing to exist.
(3) The Pharaoh is responsible for determining in-game regional settings, maintaining in-game regional security, appointing Regional Officers, determining endorsement limits, and ensuring order on the Regional Message Board.
(4) The Pharaoh may establish a Royal Family of the Osiris Fraternal Order and may regulate its conduct and membership.
(5) The Pharaoh may establish a peerage of the Osiris Fraternal Order and titles of nobility. Titles of nobility can only be issued or revoked by the Pharaoh and do not confer any political or governmental benefit or role.
(6) The Pharaoh may, with the approval of the Council of Scribes, pardon or commute the sentence of anyone convicted of any crime by the Council of Priests.

Section 2: Crown Prince/Crown Princess

(1) The Pharaoh will, with the approval of the Council of Scribes and the Council of Guardians, select a Crown Prince/Crown Princess to hold the second most endorsements in the region, up to a limit determined by the Pharaoh.
(2) The Crown Prince/Crown Princess will automatically succeed to the office of Pharaoh upon the Pharaoh’s abdication, resignation or expulsion from the World Assembly, or upon ceasing to exist.
(3) The Pharaoh may vacate the office of Crown Prince/Crown Princess.
(4) The Pharaoh may delegate the exercise and fulfillment of the powers and responsibilities of the Pharaoh to the Crown Prince/Crown Princess.

Section 3: Council of Viziers

(1) The Council of Viziers is responsible for managing the government in the name of the Pharaoh.
(2) The Council of Viziers is comprised of the Chief Vizier, a minimum of two additional Viziers, and the Pharaoh or their designee.
(3) The powers and duties of the Council of Viziers may be further regulated by requirements and restrictions imposed by law.

Section 4: The Office of Chief Vizier

(1) The Chief Vizier is the Head of Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order and the presiding officer of the Council of Viziers.
(2) The Chief Vizier will be elected by the Council of Scribes to a three-month term.
(3) The Chief Vizier is responsible for appointing deputies and Viziers to the Council of Viziers. These appointments must receive assent from the Pharaoh.
(4) The Chief Vizier may declare war by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council of Scribes, a two-thirds majority vote of the Council of Guardians, and the assent of the Pharaoh.

Section 5: Council of Guardians

(1) The Council of Guardians is the security council of the Osiris Fraternal Order, tasked with enforcing regional security in cooperation with the Pharaoh and the Crown Prince/Crown Princess.
(2) The Council of Guardians is comprised of Guardians appointed by the Pharaoh and approved by the Council of Scribes. Guardians will serve until resignation or removal from office.
(3) The Pharaoh or their designee may attend meetings of the Council of Guardians.
(4) Guardians will maintain World Assembly nations in Osiris with an endorsement limit determined by the Pharaoh which will not be less than 60% of the Pharaoh’s endorsement count.
(5) Should the Pharaoh abdicate and the office of Crown Prince/Crown Princess is vacant, succession to the office of Pharaoh will be determined from among the Council of Guardians as prescribed by law.
(6) Unless otherwise noted in this constitution, all decisions of the Council of Guardians will be determined by majority vote.
(7) The Council of Guardians may establish rules which govern its procedures. These rules are subordinate to the laws of the Osiris Fraternal Order.

Section 6: Council of Priests

(1) The Council of Priests is the judiciary of the Osiris Fraternal Order.
(2) The Council of Priests is comprised of three Priests, one each appointed by the Pharaoh, the Chief Vizier, and the Chief Scribe.
(3) The Chief Vizier and Chief Scribe may appoint a new member to the Council of Priests to replace a previous choice at the start of their newest term.
(4) The Pharaoh may appoint a new member to the Council of Priests to replace a previous choice three months after a previous selection.
(5) If a new appointment is not made within 10 days of the replacement date(s) outlined above, the currently appointed Priest will serve the remainder of the additional term.
(6) The Council of Priests is responsible for criminal and civil charges, determining guilt or the lack thereof, and imposing penalties upon guilty parties.
(7) The Council of Priests is responsible for evaluating and determining the validity or lack thereof of any interpretive challenges to regional laws or this constitution.
(8) Except as outlined by this constitution, the Council of Priests is the final arbiter of justice, sentencing, and interpretation of regional laws.
(9) Except as outlined by this constitution, all decisions by the Council of Priests require a two-thirds majority to take effect.
(10) The process by which the Council of Priests reaches decisions is to be determined internally by the Council of Priests.

Article IV: Forum of the Osiris Fraternal Order

Section 1: Official Regional Forum

(1) The official forum of the Osiris Fraternal Order and the sole regional forum authorized for official use in Osiris, which must be linked to in the in-game World Factbook Entry at all times, is located at the following URL: https://osiris.valthost.com/index.php
(2) Should the official regional forum cease to exist or otherwise become permanently unavailable, forum administration is authorized to immediately establish a replacement regional forum.
(3) Except as authorized by the above provision, the official regional forum may not be replaced without amendment to this constitution.

Section 2: Forum Administration

(1) Forum administration will facilitate the technical needs of the forum community of the Osiris Fraternal Order.
(2) No provision of this constitution nor any law or policy enacted pursuant to this constitution will be construed to limit or interfere with the responsibility and authority of forum administration to safeguard the out-of-character security of the regional forum or its community.
(3) Forum administration will have final authority on forum permissions, and may deny forum permissions based on risk to the security of the forum or its users, or violation of forum terms of service. Such denial of forum permissions will not be subject to appeal.

Article V: Other Provisions

Section 1: Government Officers

(1) The Pharaoh, the Crown Prince/Crown Princess, the Chief Vizier, the Chief Scribe, and all members of the Council of Priests are classified as senior government officers. Senior government officers may not serve in more than one senior government office at a time.
(2) Viziers, Guardians, and executive or legislative deputies are classified as junior government officers and may simultaneously serve in any other office.
(3) Any elected or appointed government office may only be filled by citizens. Only citizens may vote for elected government officers.
(4) Should any government officer's nation in Osiris cease to exist or voluntarily relocate, or should any government officer fail to log into their nation in Osiris for thirty days or longer, their office(s) will automatically be vacated unless the Pharaoh has approved an emergency leave of absence.

Section 2: Legal Supremacy and Continuity

(1) This Scroll of Ma'at is the official constitution and supreme law of Osiris. No law, policy, or action by government officers may contradict this constitution.
(2) The Osiris Fraternal Order governed by this constitution retains legal continuity with the Osiris Fraternal Order governed by the State Code of Osiris, for the sole purpose of recognizing and honoring all treaties in force pursuant to that Code, except those explicitly nullified by the Transitional Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order after dissolution of that Code.
(3) Law enacted by the Council of Scribes under the authority of the Transitional Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order, and with the assent of the Pharaoh, will remain in force under this constitution unless repealed, provided such law does not contradict this constitution.
(4) Citizens recognized as such by the Transitional Government of the Osiris Fraternal Order at the time of this constitution's ratification are automatically enrolled as citizens under this constitution.
Griffin X
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Treize Dreizehn
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

As one of the primary drafters of this and a drafter of past constitutions and amendments, I recognize that not everything is perfect. If you have a thought for how to improve our draft, that's what this thread is for. Also there may be points of contention with the legal code, so if you can think of problems there, we should hash those out first. Regardless: Let's make our constitution the best it can be.
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Cormac »

I haven't read the full amendments yet, but I support the principles behind the draft. I'll get into the specifics later.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Sygian »

Additional requirements regarding admission to citizenship may be established by law.
You forgot the "(4)" in front of this in Article I Section 1.

Other than that, I support this. I will read over it again and think of any changes that may be needed.

Am I the only one that is excited about the Council of Priests coming back? :P

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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Wrektopia »

Based on the current overall attitude against absolute autocracy I concede that this is likely both very reasonable and what is best for moving forward together as a region, while still retaining the Pharaoh as an office designed to maintain security and balance within Osiris. I endorse this movement forward and commend those responsible for pulling it all together.

Ryan "Wrek It" Rahl, son of dAdytus
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Adytus »

I highly support this! I think it is a step in the right direction as a region.
The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Weast Jurmany »

I agree with these changes as well! I'm very happy with what you've already done with your pharaoh hood and look forward to what you'll propose in the future. I feel you do truly have the best interests of Osiris in mind.
- ((Jur))
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Badger »

I feel like these changes will move Osiris in a continued positive direction!
Lord Meles Rahl, Patriarch of the Mazrim Clan of House Rahl, Fortitudine Vincimus!
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Sygian »

The process by which the Council of Priests reaches decisions is to be determined internally by the Council of Priests.
Also forgot the "(10)" in Article III Secion 6, assuming there was supposed to be one.

Sub-Vizier of Foreign Affairs
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Treize Dreizehn
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[Passed] Constitutional Reform - Amendment

Post by Treize Dreizehn »

Sygian wrote:Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:10 am
The process by which the Council of Priests reaches decisions is to be determined internally by the Council of Priests.
Also forgot the "(10)" in Article III Secion 6, assuming there was supposed to be one.
That is all supposed to be one line, but it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to separate it out.
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