Arda en' Estel December Update

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Arda en' Estel December Update

Post by Aynia »

[color=red][u][big][center]Consulate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b] Consul of the Interior[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand[/url] [b]Consul of Foreign Affairs[/b]: [url=]Aynia[/url] [b]Consul of Culture[/b]: [url=]Sacul Astoria[/url][/center] [color=red][u][big][center]Tribunal[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b]Tribune[/b]: [url=]Leopold Emil Arnulf-Riket[/url][/center] [c][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][big]"For the Hreater Good"[/big][/i] [b]Population[/b]: 150 nations [b]WA Delegate[/b]: [url=]Elvennai[/url] [/center] [c][color=red][u][big][center]Senate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center] [b]Speaker[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand (TAP)[/url] [url=]Lil La Luna (AUoCWSE)[/url] [url=]Vaclav Vinograd (RA)[/url] [url=]Sacul Astoria (TAP)[/url] [url=]Jazzy (Multiparty)[/url] [/center]

Arda Episode V: Attack of the Christmas Festival December 2016 The Inaugural Estelian Awards Ceremony

The first ever awards were given out in Arda this month by the Consul of Culture. There were commendations handed out for politics, spam, culture, and two very special awards designed specifically for two citizens who have made a large impact on Arda in a very short time.

Lil la Luna was awarded three, count 'em, three! insignia for her impressive spamming on the forum, with Fox earning two and Jazzy one spam insignia awards.

Both Aynia's and Fox's estates earned them cultural insignia's for over one thousand posts a piece, and Ye Old Tavern was recognized as the cultural hot spot that it is (even though the rabid deer head may or may not have scared a few patrons away.)

The one and only political award went to Lil la Luna in appreciation for writing or co writing five different laws during her time in the Senate. Keep up the good work!

Finally, two very special awards were created for both Jazzy and Phantasus, who both have had a large and lasting impact on the region as a whole. The Ray of Sunshine insignia was given to Jazzy for being quite possibly the happiest red panda in all of Nationstates, and most definitely the happiest citizen in Arda en' Estel. Jazzy's good cheer can't help but put smiles on everyone's faces who sees him. Or her. Or him.

Phantasus was granted the insignia of Overmaster, and enjoys a special custom masking on our discord channel for his upkeep of the Overmind bot. His love and diligence keeps the citizens of Arda from mass hysteria whenever Overmind fails to start the requested heist. It's rumored there's even a new cult forming around the great Overmaster, praise his name.


For the first time in the history of Arda en' Estel, the forums were offline for two whole days! Citizens huddled together in Discord, reminiscing on 'the good old days' and planning the first things they would do as soon as the forums came back online. Just when all hope was dwindling and citizens began planning a way to post via courier pigeon, the forums were back online. There was some brief fear that some posts had been lost, but at last order has been restored and things are finally back to normal, the elections proceeding with only a short delay. Our thoughts go out to all of the other hapless regions out there that were struck by this terrible disaster, and we hope not too many lives were lost to insanity during those days of darkness!
Arda en' Estel Ratifies the CAIN Treaty

The first official treaty in Arda en' Estel's history was ratified last month by the Senate. Foreign Consul Aynia Sabathiel attended the conference on behalf of Arda. When interviewed she had this to say: "Arda stands for freedom to do as you please, except take away the freedom of others. We will stand strong with the coalition and together we can wipe out the Nazi presence all across Nationstates. I mean, I'm sure they'll love the taste of freedom. Or else."

The Senate debated little over signing the treaty, but first had to push through the Treaty Act, so they would have a procedure in place for how to deal with treaties. Once the red tape was cut through the treaty prevailed, and Arda en' Estel's name was added to the official signatory list.

Anti-Imp Candidates Win Big in Senate Elections

Arda en' Estel recently held its major Senate election, where three of the five Senate seats were open to election.

Four candidates offered themselves up. Three sitting Senators ran for re-election - Akillian Talleyrand, Jazzy, Gabrielis Telchuri – as well as one new challenger - Vaclav Vinograd.

When the dust settled, Jazzy was returned to the Senate, as well as Akillian Talleyrand. Vaclav Vinograd was elected as a new Senator. Together, Talleyrand and Vinograd represent the most prominent faces of the anti-imp faction of the dominant party of Arda, the After Party.

During the election campaign, Talleyrand blamed the recent Zetaboards crash on the imp community and added if re-elected, "I will finally be proposing an Imp Registration and Control Act and we'll make sure this dangerous section of the population is finally stopped."

Vinograd, speaking to supporters after his victory, was heard saying, “we’re going to make Arda tall again, that I can tell you, that I can tell you.”

Any anti-imp efforts from Vinograd and Talleyrand will assuredly meet with opposition from Senators like the After Party’s pro-imp faction leader, Sacul Astoria, himself a prominent imp.

It’s unclear what the future will hold for Arda, or it’s imp community, but one thing is clear – the Senate has never had as strong an anti-imp presence as it does after this election.
Imp scandal, big problem

Rumour has been going around the region that the Imp rights leader, Sacul Astoria, has actually been taking short pills since he was very young, making him an impure Imp. Our research says it started with his parents mashing the pills into his food as a baby to keep him shorter. His mother has claimed that she "only wanted to keep her baby longer," and that she "didn't know the consequences would be so severe."

But despite this big problem about small sizes, Sacul Astoria has said that he has earned a spot on the cast of the new hit tv show Hreat of Thrones as the character Lyrion Tannister. We interviewed the hobo outside our news office about the situation, he just kept mumbling and asked for change, so we asked the Phoenix Campus Professor standing next him. He said that it's "a sad truth, that Imps, real or modified are able to become so popular."


Arda en' Estel sprints by 55,000 posts with a brief wave, the madness shows no signs of slowing!

Vaclav Vinograd and Sister Snow appointed as Aediles of Culture

Political parties popping up like mushrooms

Two new role plays are in the works!

For the Hreater Good
My Family Tree
Death by Cuddles
Death by too Much Cute
Death by Sick Rhymes
Death by Too Loud Scream
Eaten by the Kraken
Baked in an Oven
Sprayed with Axe Body Spray and Lit on Fire
Death by Bleeding Out
Heart Ripped Out
Death by Lava
Death by Cleansing Holy Fire
Death by Crossbow Bolt
Shot in the face with an AK-103
Death by Heartbreak
Death by Dropkick
Death by Smoke Inhalation
Death by Drinking Tea Spiked with Glitter Repellent and Exploding Since She's 95% Glitter
Exploded by Bomb
Sacrificed Self to Doop
Stabbed with Rusty Spork
Death by Broccoli


The Summer Queen of Caer Sidi

The West Pacific
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Arda en' Estel History
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Arda en' Estel December Update

Post by Sygian »

Thanks for the update!

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Arda en' Estel December Update

Post by Transdavisia »

Thank you! ^_^

[11:18:38 PM] Knot: Brihimia wins gold.
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Vaclav Vinograd
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Arda en' Estel December Update

Post by Vaclav Vinograd »

Nasty little imps.

Mr. Vaclav Vinograd
The Vampire of Nationstates

Sub-Vizier of Public Relations, Director-General of the Osiran Broadcasting Corporation
Editor-in-Chief of VV Magazine, Commissioner of the Osiran Premier League
Patriarch of House Vinograd
Proud Husband of Marry McLeod-Vinograd (16 Dec 2016 - )

"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
- Hebrews 9:22 (KJV)

The Britannian Kingdom
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Member of Parliament for Caledonia x1 (current)
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Culture Secretary x2

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Member of Parliament (Storting) x1 (current)

Arda en Estel
Senator x1 (current)
Cultural Aedile x1 (current)
Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism wrote:"Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived in their relation to the State."
Douglas MacArthur, Reminisces wrote:"That's the way it is in war. You win or lose, live or die—and the difference is just an eyelash."
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