November Update

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November Update

Post by Aynia »

[color=red][u][big][center]Consulate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b] Consul of the Interior[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand[/url] [b]Consul of Foreign Affairs[/b]: [url=]Aynia[/url] [b]Consul of Culture[/b]: [url=]Sacul Astoria[/url][/center] [color=red][u][big][center]Tribunal[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center][b]Tribune[/b]: [url=]Leopold Emil Arnulf-Riket[/url][/center] [c][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [i][big]"For the Hreater Good"[/big][/i] [b]Population[/b]: 115 nations [b]WA Delegate[/b]: [url=]Elvennai[/url] [/center] [c][color=red][u][big][center]Senate[/center][/big][/u][/color] [center] [b]Speaker[/b]: [url=]Akillian Talleyrand[/url] [url=]Lil La Luna[/url] [url=]Gabrielis Telchuri[/url] [url=]Sacul Astoria[/url] [url=]Evanei Riket-Telchuri[/url] [/center]

Arda Episode IV: The Pumpkin Menace November 2016 Arda becomes Pumpkin Town of MURDER

Arda's very first festival took place the second half of October! From Ghastly Games to a Monster Ball, spoopy was the theme around Arda those two weeks. Gathering almost 1500 posts, the festival was considered a huge success! Read below for some Halloween highlights:
A House of Haunting

“A group of friends on a weekend away together decide to explore an old mansion surrounded by legends about ghosts and spirits. But when they enter the house, they find themselves locked in, with no means of escape. And it soon becomes clear that there is more going on than meets the eye, as people start dying in suspicious circumstances…” That was how one of the Halloween Festival’s most popular events started: The Haunted House game – based on the popular party game Mafia/Werewolf. Several people got possessed by the evil spirit of the house, and claimed a nightly sacrifice, leaving their victims in the most horrific conditions, having feasted from heir flesh as the others slept fitfully. The unpossessed had a stroke of luck the first day, with psychic Aynia discovering the evil within Jazzy, Consumer of Souls. And so Jazzy was shot, taking with her another possessed, Vixy, who had fallen madly in love with her. But two possessed remained, and the following nights were marked by death while the days were marked with indecisiveness. The exorcist Akillian, the priestess Lil, the watchwoman Nightshade… they all died one by one. Eventually, Aynia identified another possessed – her own beloved fiancée, Lucinda – but she was too late… and ended up being voted out, her life terminated by a shot to the chest. Her death also brought with it a victory for the possessed, whom outnumbered the unpossessed, driving them to insanity, a state in which they all ended up taking their own life. Although the possessed won, they too ultimately met their demise by overeating on the remains of their victims. Oh well, some stories just have no happy ending for anybody.

The Murder Ball

"You exit the ghostly coach driven by no one but the skeletal horses and follow the walkway up to the doors, where atop a grand stair case heading towards a rather elegant, if not dark, ballroom, you are announced by a disembodied voice. Welcome to the Murder Ball."

Drinks and drama abound at the one and only Murder Ball! Citizens danced through the night, sharing gossip and good times in their best Halloween costumes. Did you see what Fox was wearing? How scandalous! The ball was coined a marvelous success, culminating the the engagement announcement of Willow Nightshade-Riket and Dominic Von Bismark. Congratulations!

The Macabre Marketplace

A highlight of the festival was taking a stroll through the macabre marketplace. Whether you fancied a new costume, some super spoooookyy music, or one of Fuzzy's world famous cakes, you could find it in the marketplace. You could even go for a drink in the Pony Tavern, but don't question the name! If you don't get taken out by evil deer head you may may just find a knife in your gut!
The End of the Yacht?

I am sure you have all been sitting on the edge of your seats throughout the past month, wondering if the Arda crew finally managed to hunt down Angel the Megalodon? It will probably come as a great surprise that, eventually, they succeeded in doing just that! At first a glittomic bomb was considered, but a lack of volunteers to deliver the weapon of mass destruction led to that plan being ditched. That’s when Vixy mentioned that she had, naturally, injected explosive nanobots into Angel’s bloodstream, just like she did to all of her pets (news that was received with horror by Jazzy). After a lot of exasperated chiding, followed by angry demanding, and eventually desperate pleading, Vixy eventually caved and activated the nanobots… spraying the boat with Megalodon remains. And so comes an end to the tale of the yacht. But do not fear, the Estelians are already off on another boat trip in Bali, and who knows what might happen there… perhaps you will find out in next month’s update!
Major Elections, a Not So Major Event

Major elections happened this month with little fanfare. Sacul Astoria was elected Consul of Culture, Akillian Talleyrand took over as Consul of Interior, and Aynia was reelected as Foreign Consul. The Senate was in a hot race, with everyone calmly sitting near the middle of their seats, not anxiously awaiting the results. In the end seats were won again by both Sacul Astoria and Lil' la Luna!


- Arda now has a comprehensive Criminal Code, after lengthy discussions in the Senate.

- Post count is halfway to sextuple digits! *giggle*

- Rumour has it that the Arda Discord chat houses a secret bunker, where the most unspeakable acts take place...

- The Cult of Metal Wolf spreads to Arda, how will the Hreater Good react to this abominable heresy?
For the Hreater Good!
My Family Tree
Death by Cuddles
Death by too Much Cute
Death by Sick Rhymes
Death by Too Loud Scream
Eaten by the Kraken
Baked in an Oven
Sprayed with Axe Body Spray and Lit on Fire
Death by Bleeding Out
Heart Ripped Out
Death by Lava
Death by Cleansing Holy Fire
Death by Crossbow Bolt
Shot in the face with an AK-103
Death by Heartbreak
Death by Dropkick
Death by Smoke Inhalation
Death by Drinking Tea Spiked with Glitter Repellent and Exploding Since She's 95% Glitter
Exploded by Bomb
Sacrificed Self to Doop
Stabbed with Rusty Spork
Death by Broccoli


The Summer Queen of Caer Sidi

The West Pacific
Internal Affairs
Boatswain in TWPAF

Minister of Culture and Internal Affairs

Arda en' Estel History
Former Foreign Consul of Arda en' Estel
Former War Mistress of the Legion of Estelian Armed Forces
Former Welcome Committee Member

Equinox History
Former Chancellor
Former Underboss of the Mafia
Former Integrations Director
Festival Committee Member
Former Capo of the Mafia Guild

Albion Honours
Baroness of Whitespire
Knight Ordinary of the Order of the Flagon
Two Term Former Lady Mayor of Brightwall
Former Viceroy of Brightwall
Two Term Knight Interior
Companion of Albion

Head of House Brutti of Imperial Rome
Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands
Former Dauphin of Versailles
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Vaclav Vinograd
Posts: 750
Joined: Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:00 am

November Update

Post by Vaclav Vinograd »

Joined. :)

Mr. Vaclav Vinograd
The Vampire of Nationstates

Sub-Vizier of Public Relations, Director-General of the Osiran Broadcasting Corporation
Editor-in-Chief of VV Magazine, Commissioner of the Osiran Premier League
Patriarch of House Vinograd
Proud Husband of Marry McLeod-Vinograd (16 Dec 2016 - )

"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
- Hebrews 9:22 (KJV)

The Britannian Kingdom
Deputy Prime Minister x1 (current)
Lord Governor of Caledonia x1 (current)
Member of Parliament for Caledonia x1 (current)
Culture Secretary x1 (current)

United Kingdom
Prime Minister x1 (current)
Member of Parliament (Southern England) x3 (current)
Culture Secretary x2

Kingdom of Great Britain
Culture Secretary x1
Culture Auror x1 (current)

Grand Councillor x1 (current)
Knight Cultural x1 (current)

Culture Minister x2 (current)
Member of Parliament (Storting) x1 (current)

Arda en Estel
Senator x1 (current)
Cultural Aedile x1 (current)
Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism wrote:"Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived in their relation to the State."
Douglas MacArthur, Reminisces wrote:"That's the way it is in war. You win or lose, live or die—and the difference is just an eyelash."
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