Something Still Stirs

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Something Still Stirs

Post by Cormac »

Something Still Stirs

Address from the Pharaoh of the Osiris Fraternal Order
to Commemorate the Fifth Anniversary of the Creation of Osiris

"Something stirs..." This was the first World Factbook Entry of Osiris, established when Osiris was created shortly after the major update on 19 October 2011. We shared this WFE with our ally Balder, which was created alongside Osiris, and as we celebrate our fifth anniversary today we also celebrate the anniversary and venerable history of our twin Sinker. It is important today, on the fifth anniversary of the creation of our region, to understand where we came from so we may better understand where we are going and what we can achieve together. Our fifth anniversary gives us an opportunity to celebrate our roots, our five years of history that have paved the way for the strong, united community we enjoy today.

The first post on our Regional Message Board came from Revert. Revert was also the first World Assembly nation in Osiris and our first immigrant. He remains with us today, a reminder that many Osirans have worked to make this region a home for many years, some since the very beginning.

Kanoshii was the first nation re-founded in Osiris. Although no longer with us, Kanoshii reminds us that Osiris is here for all its residents, above all for those returning to NationStates -- whether they're here only a short time or remain with us for years, whether they just answer issues or get more involved.

The first Delegate of Osiris was Sichuan Pepper, representing TITO, the military force of 10000 Islands. She held the Delegacy of Osiris until fair elections could be conducted. She reminds us that we have always had allies and friends who have stood for our sovereignty and self-determination.

The first Pharaoh of Osiris was Zaolat, elected on-site by residents of Osiris. He too remains with us today, and his service is a reminder of the dedication we should expect from our Pharaoh, that he or she should put Osiris and the needs of the Osiran community first, above all else.

Our first regional constitution was the Book of the Dead, which established our first regional government, the Kemetic Republic of Osiris. Dalimbar, who is also still with us today, was the first Pharaoh of the Kemetic Republic. The initial days of our first regional government remind us that Osirans were united then as now, with a common purpose to maintain a strong community and a government to serve its needs. The final days of that first regional government remind us that regions must continually grow and evolve beyond their roots, that we must not be afraid to embrace change and welcome new ideas, and that the sole purpose of regional government is to meet the needs of the regional community.

Five years later, something still stirs in Osiris. Six months after we once again embraced change and welcomed new ideas, the community of Osiris has exceeded all expectations. We have shattered activity records on our regional forum and have promoted greater communication via our regional Discord server. We have achieved more than two hundred endorsements for our Delegate for the first time in years, making the Pharaoh of Osiris the highest endorsed Sinker Delegate. We have welcomed back veteran players and moved past old grievances, we have embraced newcomers who want to make their home in Osiris, and we have seen a healthy blend of veteran and newer players in our government. We have stood shoulder to shoulder with longtime allies and made new alliances, proving ourselves to be reliable partners for those who stand with us. We have defied every negative prognostication, proven our naysayers wrong, and endured when so many expected failure. We have done this because we are Osirans, and this is what Osirans do.

While today we have much to celebrate, this is also a day for reflection. Reflecting on the past five years, we see a reluctance to forgive and move forward after the conflicts that have darkened our region from time to time -- the growing pains many major regions endure in their first few years. We should not only know and celebrate our history, we should learn from it. It has been demonstrated, time and again, that the community of Osiris is a family, a brotherhood, and that we are stronger when all of our brothers and sisters are with us. We may bicker, we may brawl, we may even storm out or ask a rowdy brother to leave for a while. But it is only temporary. What is truly lasting is the bond between us. In recognition of this basic understanding of what it means to be Osiran, every Osiran who was involved in the conflict six months ago is granted unconditional amnesty and is invited to return to Osiris and fully participate in citizenship. We want you to enjoy the community we have built together, a community that would not have been possible without the effort many of you put into preceding governments and institutions. We want you to come home.

Five years ago, something stirred. It is a credit to our community, to everyone who has contributed throughout our history, that something still stirs here today. We have given much to the world and to the many who have called our region home over these past five years. Our friends and our detractors both must admit that we have made an indelible mark. Let us strive together to make a still greater mark and to build an ever stronger and more united community over these next five years. It is my privilege to serve as Pharaoh of Osiris on our fifth anniversary, and it will be my privilege to see what is still stirring in this community five years from now. May Osiris continue to surprise us, and may we continue to surprise each other.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

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Something Still Stirs

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Hail! :osiris:

[11:18:38 PM] Knot: Brihimia wins gold.
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Hail! Hail! :osiris:
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Theoden Sebastian
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Something Still Stirs

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Truly a proud day for all of Osiris, Happy Anniversary to the region :osiris: :legion:
Former Chief Elder of the Pschent and Former Councilor of Osiris
His Imperial and Royal Majesty, Konig of the Kingdom of Prussia
His Supreme Highness, the Crown Prince of the LKE
Chief of the Imperial General Staff, LKE
Governor-General of Niso
Administrator of Balder

Past Positions:

Former Prime Minister, LKE
Former Senator and Speaker of the Estates Common, LKE
Former Secretary of State for the Interior, Colonies, LKE
Former Director-General of the Imperial Intelligence Agency, LKE
Former Reich Elector, Deputy Reich Chancellor, Home Secretary, WAD, Reichstag Delegate, Head of the Imperial Diplomatic Corps, Immigration Service, TNI
Former Senator and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kantrias
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, EoE, Exshaw
Former Senator, Markarth
Former Member of the Emerald Council, Lazarus
Former Deputy Joint Commander, UIAF
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Something Still Stirs

Post by Adytus »

The Anarchic Republic of AdytusLord Sarah of House Rahl, the Mirkhan Clan Syb: Ady is my favorite pervy CV.
Wrek: Adytus is just the personification of 69.
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Vaclav Vinograd
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Something Still Stirs

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:osiris: :legion: :osiris: :legion: :osiris: :legion: :osiris:

Mr. Vaclav Vinograd
The Vampire of Nationstates

Sub-Vizier of Public Relations, Director-General of the Osiran Broadcasting Corporation
Editor-in-Chief of VV Magazine, Commissioner of the Osiran Premier League
Patriarch of House Vinograd
Proud Husband of Marry McLeod-Vinograd (16 Dec 2016 - )

"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."
- Hebrews 9:22 (KJV)

The Britannian Kingdom
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Benito Mussolini, The Doctrine of Fascism wrote:"Fascism conceives of the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals or groups are relative, only to be conceived in their relation to the State."
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