Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Derpsy »

Cormac wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:38 am
Tim Stark wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 6:22 amRight, I'm not going to let this become some sort of witch hunt against Derpsy because she's not at all deserving of that. She tried out The Grey Wardens quietly, she left quietly, there was no leaking to us, there was no leaking from us, and frankly to try to point fingers at her like this is such a crock of shit. She did not infiltrate anything.
She was dishonest regarding her affiliation with the Grey Wardens on her citizenship application, in enlisting in the Sekhmet Legion, and throughout her time in the Legion. If you expect me to take your word for it that everything was on the up and up, after such dishonesty from her (and obviously, also, from you, as you clearly knew about it), all I can say is don't hold your breath.
Tim knows of the situation because I privately came clean to him upon leaving the Wardens. At this point in time, I'm not affiliated with TGW, have not had any part in TGW-run operations since the date of my departure on Aug 2, and don't plan to in the foreseeable future. Nor do I have residency in TGW or any other contact, other than lurking around on their Discord server. Frankly, if you want to question my current loyalties, feel free to. I don't particularly give a damn what spying accusations head my way; I've seen enough of them to be jaded.

That said, if you're hell-set on declaring me as unwelcome, come straight out and say that you want me to resign my citizenship. I'd be happy enough to oblige. Or get to finding that elusive evidence pointing to the fact that I *clearly* am a fenda plant, and have nothing but bad will towards Osiris and it's government.
edit: fuck it, can't stand for the apologetic 'oh noes, no one trusts me anymore' language I was using. What I did, I did, and what I didn't do, I didn't do.
~Derps Skollvaldr, because vytherov is a dumb name. Fite me, koth :]
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Syberis »

Hail Osiris. Hail Sethos.

Our security has to come before history, especially if historical members doesn't respect our sovereignty.
Greyghost wrote:Just because you're cute doesn't mean you're not suspicious <_<
Chalice wrote:Comrade Syberis was talking about the joys of Osirian Fraternity.
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

Derpsy wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:42 amThat said, if you're hell-set on declaring me as unwelcome, come straight out and say that you want me to resign my citizenship. I'd be happy enough to oblige.
I want you to resign your citizenship. Others who know you better and have become friends with you may feel torn about this, but I don't. Your level of dishonesty has been appalling, your disrespect for us and our allies has been disturbing, and I think you should run off to the Grey Wardens where you belong.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

As a note, Applebania resigned citizenship via Discord, as he is taking an extended break from NationStates. His citizenship has not been revoked, as his break also extends to his participation in the Grey Wardens, and he is welcome to reapply for citizenship should he return to NationStates in the future provided he does not resume participation in the Grey Wardens.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

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Hail Osiris.
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Derpsy »

Cormac wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:55 pmand I think you should run off to the Grey Wardens where you belong.
Don't count on it; the fenda game isn't my preference, regardless of what you want to believe. Granted, given the current state of things, I'd gladly take the Wardens over Osiris, but that's hardly a great accomplishment.

Not sure if/where the proper channels for this are, but I hereby resign my citizenship of Osiris, and so on and so forth. Rest easy in the knowledge that you've put another fenda spy in their place :^)
~Derps Skollvaldr, because vytherov is a dumb name. Fite me, koth :]
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Zaolat »

Derpsy wrote:Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:10 pm
Cormac wrote:Mon Sep 12, 2016 9:55 pmand I think you should run off to the Grey Wardens where you belong.
Don't count on it; the fenda game isn't my preference, regardless of what you want to believe. Granted, given the current state of things, I'd gladly take the Wardens over Osiris, but that's hardly a great accomplishment.

Not sure if/where the proper channels for this are, but I hereby resign my citizenship of Osiris, and so on and so forth. Rest easy in the knowledge that you've put another fenda spy in their place :^)
Well you also got banned from the Hawks. Is there any raider group that's taken you in yet?
The First Pharaoh, Pharaoh Emeritus

Avakael wrote:If the UDL is an NGO, then the LKE is very clearly conducting a war on terrorism. Terrorism perpetuated by the United Defenders League, lead by a man who has shaped his organization to have a culture of wishing to wear tights, live in forests, and possibly even dress up as furries, something which only Todd McCloud may do. I believe this war, therefore, should not be a matter of raiding and defending. It's a matter of moral decency. Don't wear tights. Don't live in forests. Don't dress up and roleplay as animals. It's wrong, and the LKE is taking the initiative to exterminate this horrible organization.
<+Zaolat> you know I hear if a man eats lots of pineapples and it's juice good things happen
<+Xoriet> :D
<+Xoriet> Awesome
<@Venico> Sigged
<+Xoriet> VENICO
<+Zeorus> XD
<@Venico> Xoriet! <3
<+Xoriet> I meant Nox's Nether Faerie Dragon ;x;
<@Venico> Uh huh, Sure
<+Xoriet> I didn't even see Zao's thing
<+Xoriet> ;x;
<+Xoriet> I hate you all
<@Venico> Nope
<@Venico> That's copyright
<@Venico> Night Father TM
<@Treize_Dreizehn> <Xoriet> I didn't even see Zao's thing <--- That's what she said.
<@Treize_Dreizehn> my work here is done
<@Venico> Did the pineapple improve it Xoriet?
<+Xoriet> Now I really hold deep loathing for all of you ={
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

The 72 hour period mandated by the above declaration has expired.

Amerion, Recruit of the Order of the Grey Wardens, has been found guilty of sedition, citizenship fraud, and disorderly conduct against Osiris, and has been sentenced to revocation of citizenship, in-game ejection from Osiris, in-game ban from Osiris, and prohibition from admission to citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order that will expire no earlier than one year from the date of his sentencing, 13 September 2016.

Tim Stark, High Constable of the Order of the Grey Wardens, is found guilty of sedition and conspiracy to commit citizenship fraud, and is sentenced to revocation of citizenship, in-game ejection from Osiris, in-game ban from Osiris, and prohibition from admission to citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order that will expire no earlier than one year from today.

Derpsy, former Warden of the Order of the Grey Wardens, is found guilty of sedition and citizenship fraud, and having already resigned citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order, is sentenced to in-game ejection from Osiris, in-game ban from Osiris, and prohibition from admission to citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order that will expire no earlier than six months from today. This lighter sentence is imposed in acknowledgment that Derpsy resigned citizenship in the Osiris Fraternal Order in a relatively cooperative manner, and has, to the best of our knowledge, ended participation in the Order of the Grey Wardens.

The citizenship of Ridersyl and Rom, Wardens of the Order of the Grey Wardens, is revoked. Due to their lack of response to this emergency situation -- and particularly due to Ridersyl's presumed retirement and complete absence from NationStates, which presumably extends to the Order of the Grey Wardens -- no further penalty will be imposed against them.

As no Grey Warden is eligible to be admitted to citizenship, none of the individuals whose citizenship has been revoked will be eligible to be re-admitted to citizenship unless they end their participation in the Order of the Grey Wardens, even after expiration of their sentences, if applicable. In the case of those sentenced to prohibition from admission to citizenship for a fixed period of time, even ending their participation in the Order of the Grey Wardens will not make them eligible for re-admission to citizenship until their sentences expire.

The regional state of emergency is scheduled to expire on Monday, 19 September 2016, to allow time to determine whether any further emergency security measures will be required or whether the regional state of emergency will need to be extended. Following conclusion of the regional state of emergency, election for the offices of Chief Scribe and Chief Vizier will immediately begin, as those offices were automatically vacated by the regional state of emergency and the office of Chief Vizier could only be filled on an interim basis. Guardians, who were very recently confirmed by the Council of Scribes, will automatically be re-appointed to office at the conclusion of the regional state of emergency and will not be subject to re-confirmation.

I appreciate the cooperation and support that residents and citizens of Osiris have demonstrated over the course of this regional state of emergency thus far. The way this community has conducted itself when confronted with an emergency situation, compared with past conduct during similar emergencies under previous governments, has been truly admirable.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
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"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
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Declaration of a Regional State of Emergency

Post by Cormac »

The regional state of emergency has expired. The election period for Chief Scribe and Chief Vizier will begin shortly.
His Majesty Cormac Skollvaldr
Bru'uh of Osiris - Co-Founder of the Osiris Fraternal Order
Hasal-Pharaoh of Osiris (3x)
Khetemtai in the House of Osiris

"Follow your arrow wherever it points." - Kacey Musgraves, "Follow Your Arrow"
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