NationStates Ideology Quizzes

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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Nasania »

Here are some charts showing respondents' scores. If you don't see yours(or a VIPs) check the Data section. ANyhow, here is the 3D chart, you can zoom in, pan it, etc. ... onalities/

The next one measures the 4th and 5th Dimensions. the way to combine the two maps would be to have 6 3D charts arranged in a 3x3 square like it's a plot with a left to right measuring the Power dimension and the Y axis being the Interests Dimension. Basically it's a series of bubbles(which contain the 3D charts themselves) suspended in a Plane, kinda like a Bubble Wrap field. ... onalities/

Here is Unibot's Gameplay Alignment Chart represented in my system. He would be -42, -4 in the lower left corner(occupying the same position as Eluvatar). Not an exact match to his position in the Solm version at UDL library because the questions and counting system is different, but it's a close enough match. Cormac and Transdavisia(Transdavia on the chart sorry bout that, typo) is near the center on this chart while Xoriet Montresor is listed under Rasanna and is at coordinates (33,-27). To her 'West' is North Calaveras of the Local Cluster, and to her 'East' is Ravanna of Balder and Reux of Lazarus, to her NE is Marxist-Feminists of the Defender Alliance(the founder of North Korea) and Evil Wolf of Lone Wolves United, and Kemi of the Communist Bloc. ... stability/

Some of the personalities who have not taken the test I guessed at to where their coordinates are at. e.g. McMasterdonia is likely a communitarian so I stuck him in the space for that.

You can navigate the chart and pan it and do all kinds of things with it.

There are about 123 respondents in 36 regions with TNP and the Communist Bloc being the largest representated blocs.

Let me know what you all think.
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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Fedele »

I'm not entirely sure what to make of this first one. I'm almost hesitant to share mine.
Your result for Nationstates Gameplay Ideology Test ...
Permanent Opposition
38% Liberty, 15% Equality, 46% Stability and 83% Power!

You believe that all the ideologies are stupid and that people should just stop talking bout them, however that position also constitutes an ideology You find the principles of Liberty, Equality, and Stability all dangerous to your well-being and find it unhealthy in other people.

You also believe or desire to maintain a strong military organization in aggressive preparedness for war, but think the role of the military should be in service to your other principles.

Now, the second one leaves me absolutely shocked and appalled.
Your result for The Independent vs Defender Test ...
Principled Raiderist
92% Power and 9% Interests!

You are a Raiderist, you respect only conviction and loyalty and that it is your principles that guide your path. Circumstances are irrelevant to your considerations. It is passion and commitment that matters most to you. You might sympathize with Imperialists but their disparagement and disregard of principles leaves you cold.

You believe in the right of conquest and desire a Strong Military to conquer the weak. Only Strength and Power are important.
I like to think I am far more wishy-washy and compromising on my principles than that.
Cormactopia II - God damn it Scardino
Syberis - Dammit Scar
Xoriet - Scar so racist
Brunhilde - Scar speaks the truth
Severisen - Scar is the Rod Stewart of raiding
Lamb Stone - Scardino knows I <3 him. You made him my idol in NS when I was like 14. But, I can still call him a wrinkly old bastard.
Biyah - God help us from Fedele bringing back the old ways. The current level of inept is just fine, thanks
Dream Killers - From one bullshitter to another, seriously.
Lost - you're hulk mixed with tony stark
Roavin - Scardino has a sexy voice.
Dr Pelican - after a 2 hr argument about beef falafels, you didnt make them afterwards
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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Nasania »

Fedele wrote:Sun May 29, 2016 4:15 amI'm not entirely sure what to make of this first one. I'm almost hesitant to share mine.
Your result for Nationstates Gameplay Ideology Test ...
Permanent Opposition
38% Liberty, 15% Equality, 46% Stability and 83% Power!

Now, the second one leaves me absolutely shocked and appalled.
Your result for The Independent vs Defender Test ...
Principled Raiderist
92% Power and 9% Interests!
I like to think I am far more wishy-washy and compromising on my principles than that.
Hmm you seem to be closest in opinion to Rasanna above I would guess. Though given your low Equality score I would say you are a Hierarchist. If this were RL, you would be like the Tea Party and some Monarchists except that their pro-freedom stuff gets old after awhile. Stability you're ambivalent to. I would guess you are a Straussian based on your score, and if that was your RL alignment(not sure what the GP counterpart is). RL=/=GP ideology. Usually GP is more extreme and conservative in their views(e.g. Zenny is ordinarily a Libertarian Socialist but is a Communitarian in GP, Elegarth moves from Centrist to moderate conservative). Strauss, if you are unaware of him, was a 20th century political thinker who endorsed Idealist fundamentalism as a way of combating totalitarianism. Plato was one of his favorite philosophers and he upheld the idea of Philosopher-kings and the Noble lie as a way of keeping society together.

Here are more links about him.
Philosophy encyclopedia of Leo Strauss
Wikiquote-Leo Strauss
Straussian interpretation of Plato's Republic
Strauss' Argument in "What is Political Philosophy?"
Video on Strauss

Here is a quote from him
"There are different kinds of truths for different kinds of people. There are truths appropriate for children; truths that are appropriate for students; truths that are appropriate for educated adults; and truths that are appropriate for highly educated adults, and the notion that there should be one set of truths available to everyone is a modern democratic fallacy. It doesn't work."

As for the 2nd one, Well it tells me you are highly idealistic. I wrote that dimension up to describe Unibot's Idealism, not necessarily yours. He's not the most compromising of individiuals, I have to wonder though why you didn't pick the middle options? The Dimension is predicated on whether Ideals or Circumstances should be the driver of Policy, with 2 middle answers seeking a compromise.

if you're not a Straussian, there's Friedrich Nietzsche, the founder of Post-modernism who you might agree with.
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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Fedele »

Honestly, I really enjoyed the quiz.
I have to wonder though why you didn't pick the middle options?
Because none of them appealed to me. My experience has shown that compromising your principles for short term gain leads to the destruction of your organization in the long term.
Cormactopia II - God damn it Scardino
Syberis - Dammit Scar
Xoriet - Scar so racist
Brunhilde - Scar speaks the truth
Severisen - Scar is the Rod Stewart of raiding
Lamb Stone - Scardino knows I <3 him. You made him my idol in NS when I was like 14. But, I can still call him a wrinkly old bastard.
Biyah - God help us from Fedele bringing back the old ways. The current level of inept is just fine, thanks
Dream Killers - From one bullshitter to another, seriously.
Lost - you're hulk mixed with tony stark
Roavin - Scardino has a sexy voice.
Dr Pelican - after a 2 hr argument about beef falafels, you didnt make them afterwards
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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Gradea »

Communitarian Independent
38% Liberty, 54% Equality, 62% Stability and 58% Power!

Your commitment to both equality and stability makes you a blend of the Socialist and the Conservative. This combination may seem unusual but consider the way in which both think loyalty to community takes priority over loyalty to oneself. You recognise the value of traditional culture and institutions. You hope that a combination of traditional values and social justice will protect your way of life. You are concerned that the twin forces of liberalism and cosmopolitanism promote selfishness and erode community standards.

All that being said you believe that the community must maintain a strong military to defend its interests, but also believe diplomacy would work just as well.

Former Chief Scribe of Osiris
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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Brunhilde »

75% Power and 73% Interests!

For you moderation is key. You believe that commitment to your principles is important, but it should not neglect concerns of organizational interest. For you Raider and Defender are both important but believe that they shouldn't dominate totalitarianly the affairs of others, and especially at the expense of political concerns.

You also believe or desire to maintain a strong military organization in aggressive preparedness for war, but think the role of the military should be in service to your other principles.
Liberal Conservative or Right Libertarian Independent/Imperialist
54% Liberty, 46% Equality, 77% Stability and 75% Power!

Your commitment to both liberty and stability makes you a blend of the Conservative and the Liberal. You are keen on notions of the person who is ambitious yet well-behaved - it is this kind of person who makes things tick and keeps things running.You value liberty particularly in economic life and embrace private enterprise. You also recognise the value of traditional culture and institutions. Occasionally your personal and cultural positions may clash but in general you will find practical ways to reconcile them.

You also believe or desire to maintain a strong military organization in aggressive preparedness for war, but think the role of the military should be in service to your other principles.
This seems more or less fitting to me. I try to stay even keeled and work around issues in the system that is provided rather than forcing the issue of changing the system.
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Kaiser Adolf
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NationStates Ideology Quizzes

Post by Kaiser Adolf »

Not bad..but not that accurate.
Conservative Defender
15% Liberty, 46% Equality, 77% Stability and 50% Power!

You think stability is important for a society. You feel that ‘change for the sake of change’ is stupid and that political changes need to be limited to only those things that are demonstrably necessary. The traditional institutions of society have ‘stood the test of time’ and therefore work better than untested proposals. Another institution you value is government and you recognise it as a useful way of ensuring that only incremental change occurs. You are likely to embrace traditional culture. You tend to prefer a predominantly free political environment but only to the extent that it can be accommodated by traditional culture.
The Military should only be used to defend weak regions against what you consider the Nationstates equivalent of pirates or terrorists and seek to use the military only as an instrument to promote stability in Nationstates.
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