[#2] The Unofficial History of The Brotherhood of Malice (2015)

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[#2] The Unofficial History of The Brotherhood of Malice (2015)

Post by Malphe »

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Authored by Koth, posted for Raidercon on Jul 1, 2015. Included both links I've found cus who wants to touch Tapatalk. This only touches tangentially on Osiris towards the end, but it gives a lot of valuable context on the state of the Brotherhood of Malice and its players prior to the founding of the Osiris Fraternal order.

Archived Tapatalk Source
Archived Library of Spurned Knowledge Source
Author: Koth
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The Unofficial History of The Brotherhood of Malice
by Ambroscus Koth

Hello and welcome to Malicious History! I’m Koth, known defender slammer who can occasionally be found jamming to the radio. If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you’re interested (or you’re feigning interest) in the raider group that’s been around the block a few times, The Brotherhood of Malice. We’ve been around since 2012, and we’ve gone through like four iterations since then. We’ve flown our flag over everything from insignificant puppet dumps, regions old enough to be listening to Linkin Park and hating their parents, to even a GCR. And I’m gonna try my best to remember every last one of ‘em, so sit back and enjoy the ride as we have for nearly 3 years now.

It all started in a region called Asgard, back in 2012. We were the dudes that orchestrated the famous raid on Christmas, which effectively turned it into one of the most well-known battlegrounds for R/D. This is where I (Koth) brought my real life friend Venico into the game, and where the CoKoVe Triumvirate of Cormac, Koth, and Venico originated.

When Cormac stopped raiding and effectively was chased out of his own region for joining the United Defenders League, the region began a slow descent that ultimately resulted in a player named Jägermeister obtaining the founder nation and forum admin. Venico and I lacked faith in the government of Jager, and one late night in IRC we discussed the founding of a new raider region.

The hardest thing about the founding of BoM, honestly, was coming up with a fucking name. I was originally against the idea of anything with the word “brotherhood” in it, because Unknown was still somewhat relevant at the time and I didn’t want anyone to think we were ripping off The Brotherhood of Blood. In the end, though, it represented exactly what we were hoping to achieve: a community that treated each other like brothers, somewhere to call home in a game that would soon orphan us. The concept of malice was the other edge of the sword, we were brothers banded together in the interest of raiding. Malice against the natives and defenders of the world was important for our characterization. Thus The Brotherhood of Malice was born, under the watchful benevolence of The Overseer.

When Venico and I announced that we would be leaving our posts in Asgard to found BoM, we also kinda poached as many folks as we could from Asgard. We ended up holding on to maybe 4 members beyond the two of us, only one of which is still active in the region today. In any case, Jager didn’t take well to the idea, and promptly banned us. Soon after, he would destroy the Asgard forum that meant so much to us, and he has not been seen since. With nowhere to go but forward, the Malicious Brothers began their journey.

The original run of BoM was mostly Asgard v2, with people like Raxion, His Most Holy Wrath, HecklerKochica, and The High Priest of Twig being some of the more active members. Our first raid was on the foundered region of “The Grand Old Duke of Pork”, which wasn’t even our target. It was our jump point. Venico fell asleep at the wheel. The whole ordeal was really, really unprofessional. We had no regional flag yet, so we just used The Overseer’s flag (a picture I got off Google Images), and our WFE basically just talked about our huge cocks (I’m serious). But it was fun, and shortly after that we announced our presence to the world on the Gameplay forum. We would mostly just stick to low scale forum roleplays and talking on our IRC channel until a fateful November night.

The raid on Roman Empire was one of the most contested invasions in recent years, one that even ended up needing moderator intervention…and it almost didn’t end up happening. The Brotherhood didn’t really have all that much going for it in terms to troop numbers at the time, and with defenders on the prowl it would have probably been hopeless. Not to mention we didn’t have a trigger. Luckily, a fellow by the name of Gest was benevolent enough to grab some TBR support and trigger for us, throwing Venico into the seat and starting a chain reaction of weird shit that followed.

Long story short: the admins implemented a change during our reign that changed the way WA applications worked, and a many people were wrongly kicked out of the WA during this time by accident…including TNP Delegate McMasterdonia and our very own Venico. During this time, defenders pushed Mahaj into the delegacy of Roman Empire, hooting and hollering about their grand victory despite the exploitation of a moderation error being used to do so. It’s one of the only times in NS history I can ever think of where a moderator (an ex-defender, at that) had to clean up a region and re-instate a raider delegate, along with a written apology.

Eventually the support wore thin in Roman Empire as we were competing with the raid on the Eastern Islands of Dharma, TBR left to do other things, and BoM was left to get libbed. That, along with a couple other smaller raids and the popularization of the Malicious Broadcasts, was our legacy for a while. The original Pirates raid here, a couple of tag raids and stuff, but for about a year there was no big splash from The Brotherhood of Malice.

Until we took Osiris, that is.

To kick off the second era of the Brotherhood, we unveiled our new flag and a new outlook with the occupation of Osiris, in which we founded the still-standing government of the Osiris Fraternal Order. Dubbed Operation Phoenix in development, the three of us worked closely together in a shady IRC channel for weeks, crunching numbers and gathering allies. We made it our duty in NationStates to liberate Osiris from the Empire blight that had kept a chokehold on it, and we were prepared to fight tooth and nail for our legitimacy.

We really didn’t end up needing to all that much, but that’s a story for my personal on July 7th. Stay tuned, kids.

Even though the plan was to use the occupation of Osiris to jumpstart the Brotherhood again, it actually kinda ended up biting us in the ass. We were all pretty emotionally drained from our antics in the GCR, but we had a few months left in the tank. Luckily we had awesome raiders like Gladio on our side to keep us relevant during this time. We fucked with St Abbaddon pretty hard, getting plenty of defender panties in a twist. We refounded Assassins, to this day being our region’s only refound of an occupied region. It’s our little golden trophy, one so shiny and special that nothing happened in Malice for nearly another year.

We came back for a 4th run (don’t ask me where I lost count, you’re askin’ the wrong cowboy here) in February of this year. And honestly, despite our long history, I think this run’s been probably the most sturdy so far. The region always had a knack for going to sleep for long stretches, leading to our unofficial motto “Malice Never Dies”…but hey, we’re still here this time.

This era has popularized the Venico Wargames, a fun set of minigames made for internal competition and rewarded with promotions. Venico started the “Dirty Deeds Done In Space” roleplay, which was massively popular and boasted nearly all active members of the region participating at its peak and dozens of pages of activity. We’ve made smaller raids on regions such as the Rose Meadows and The United Commonwealth. We’ve infiltrated passworded regions such as Alteran Empire. We’re a very versatile group, we are. And we really don’t know when to give up the ghost. We’re obnoxious, offensive, and lots of other things you wouldn’t say in front of your grandma, but more than anything, despite so many years of jump starts and broken hearts…

We’re brothers. Through and through.

malphe vytherov
(former pharaoh, guardian, priest, sub-vizier, chief vizier)

with experience comes perspective
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